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Unexplained Fever

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How long do you let an explained fever go on before you worry about it? Does not having insurance, and being lower income, change your answer?


I'm on day 4 of a fever. My normal temperature is 97.4/97.5. Sunday I noticed that my body ached all over; that's my normal reaction to a fever so I checked my temp. It was 89.9. It's been running between 89.9 (on tylinol or ibuprofen) and 101.1 since then. It's now Wednesday evening so this is day 4.


No runny nose. No sinus congestion. In fact, my sinuses are clearer than usual. I have no symptoms of breast infection. No symptoms of bladder infection. No coughing. Just this fever....


However, my ears have been feeling off. In the past, I've had horrible ear infections without knowing it. Sometimes my ears would just feel weird and there'd be an infection. Sometimes my ears would feel weird and there'd be nothing wrong. I can't accurately predict an infection by how they feel, but I bought some garlic mullen oil to use in case that's what it is.


Today, I have a headache and my neck is achy but I'm pretty sure that is normal chiro stuff. I have reason to believe I'm all out of whack but haven't felt good enough to lug myself to the chiropractor 25 minutes away with four kids in tow. I'll probably go on Friday.


With tylinol or ibuprofen, I feel good enough to get the basics done: homeschooling, lunch and dinner, dishes, a load of laundry, shower, nursing baby, but not much else.


So, exactly when should I spend $100+ I don't have and lug myself to a doctor?

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Personally I would just take it easy and get plenty of rest (as far as you can with children to care for), because fever is not just a sign that something's wrong, but also a sign that your body is dealing with the problem. So for that reason I would rest up, drink plenty of water and wait it out. If possible, with some friends or relatives helping out with the house and kids while keeping a bit of an eye on you. The only thing a doctor can do that you can't is prescribe antibiotics, so I guess it really depends on your take on them. (Are you a "if I can get somebody to prescribe it I'll take it" person, or an "only if the infection is liable to kill me" person?)



homeschooling, lunch and dinner, dishes, a load of laundry, shower, nursing baby, but not much else.

Give yourself a break! That is heaps to accomplish when you have 4 children and one of them just a wee babe. Can Scott do a load of washing in the morning before leaving and bring home takeout for dinner?

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Give yourself a break! That is heaps to accomplish when you have 4 children and one of them just a wee babe. Can Scott do a load of washing in the morning before leaving and bring home takeout for dinner?


Who are you, and how do you know my husband's name? LOL I know it is readily available.


He's sick, too, only with a different illness entirely based on symptoms. He's still pulling a full work day...more so than usual because he has a brand new client with some issues that the previous guy didn't manage well.

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Who are you, and how do you know my husband's name? LOL I know it is readily available.


I have been reading your blog (and some of the other members' blogs - don't worry, I'm not only stalking you!) and admiring the apparent ease with which you get your dc to learn math. I recall your dh does IT, because my dh is a self employed networking specialist. He would sympathize about those "issues that the previous guy didn't manage well" lol

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I agree with the advice to rest, take it as easy as possible, and drink plenty of fluids. If it were me, I wouldn't go to the doctor, but I would increase my raw garlic intake and probably up my vitamin C and D intake as well. These will all work with your body to help fight whatever it is that's ailing you.


If you do suspect an ear infection, a great remedy is to squirt (or in your case, pour from a cup) some bre@stmilk in your ear and let sit for 5 or so min. Flip over and do the other ear. It won't hurt you at all if there's nothing up with your ears, but will do wonders to clear them up if there is.


:grouphug: I hope you're feeling better soon.

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I agree..fever is not in itself a problem. It is a sign that your body is healthy enough to do its thing. The body raises its temperature to kill off pathogens. Automatically lowering a fever is acutally a problem for the body because then it has to use other methods to kill off the pathogens...or we end up on antibiotics. Even a high fever is ok...I think ocasionally babies and small children can fit with high fevers so they like to watch them. But apart from that, fever is a good thing.

YOU dont even need to know what its killing- just be happy that something you dont need in your system is being killed.

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