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Is it too early to post about favorite spring/summer camps around the country?

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DH and I have been talking about camps for the dc. We are hesitant about it because we each experienced some unpleasantness (bullies, innapropriate camp counselers) when we went to camp as kids. At the same time, being urbanites, a camp would be a good way to get the dc into the great outdoors for an extended period of time OR sending them to a camp specializing in their interests could be an enriching experience for them (and also an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals).


So, what do you think of camps?

How do you choose a camp?

Is there a good directory for camps around the country (or world for that matter)?

What are your favorite camps? Where would you like to send your dc?

What is the youngest dc you would send? For how long?

How do you screen for safety, etc.?



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We never did camps as kids, but we did camp with our family a lot.


I've wondered about this too (bullies, inappropriate behavior etc), since I didn't have the camp experience. I did hear a wonderful radio show about a girls camp and years later the girls described it as a high point of their lives. I think it was on This American Life. Anyway, there is also day camps and then sleep away camps. Sounds like you want a sleep away camp.


Locally there was a day camp where the kids came home with severe sun burn. They claimed it was the parents fault for not putting sunscreen on in the morning, they received a lot of bad publicity on that one.


My DH had a bad experience with a sort of Bible camp. He kept complaining that a boy was picking on him. His mom thought that it couldn't be that bad they were all just 1st graders and then at the end she saw the boy who was picking on him was about 3 years older and developmentally slow. She felt so bad that she didn't do something when he complained.

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Our older kids grew up going to Camp Awana in Fredonia, WI.




The only reason we allowed it was because we knew lots of the people who worked the summer there. They were from our church. I just couldn't send my kid to a camp of strangers. I just could never do it. But happily, we had a great camp just an hour and a half away that had great people that we KNEW well and our kids LOVED it. I was even camp councelor once for my middle DD. I took DD8 all the way there from AR ( 13 hour drive) last year when she was old enough to go. ( She had an episode of anxiety and did NOT have a good time, but that was HER, not the camp or the people.) We will try again this summer with me staying as councelor. It is that worth it. I know she will love it once she gets used to being there. I plan to take her back every year for as long as she wants to go. I hope that someday, she will be a councelor there too.


Camp Awana has 1 hour of Bible, 1 hour of quiet time where you are encouraged to memorize verses but not required and the rest of the time is activites and free time. Activities include team games such as soccor and softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, go carts, horse shoes, horseback riding, swimming, crafts, fishing, boating, frisbie golf, campfires, a game room, and lots more!


Our pastor, aged 70, grew up going there from age 7, met his wife there, married there, sent his kids there and still volunteers there every year during work week. We have never heard a negative thing about it that would concern parents. It's a GREAT place!

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If you want a serious Christian camp, then I recommend The Wilds in Rosman, NC. I know hundreds of people that have been there, I've been there dozens of times myself, my husband was a counselor there, and my dad was on the board. I've never heard of anybody having any bad experience there, and I've never heard of anybody sorry they went.

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If you want a serious Christian camp, then I recommend The Wilds in Rosman, NC. I know hundreds of people that have been there, I've been there dozens of times myself, my husband was a counselor there, and my dad was on the board. I've never heard of anybody having any bad experience there, and I've never heard of anybody sorry they went.


Our three teens are going to The Wilds in June, with our church youth group. They are SOOOOOO excited! We know the many adults that will be going along, so dh and I are comfortable with their attending.


DS to be 13 will also go to Bartle Boy Scout Camp this summer, his first big Scout camp.


FWIW, only oldest ds has ever gone to overnight week-away camp before. We researched it VERY thoroughly before signing him up (and by that time he was half way to his TKD black-belt, so we figured he could protect himself if need be!).


Oldest DS has LOVED camp, and it has been really good for him. We are pleased to be able to give the others a similar wonderful experience. We have had to save and plan for it, but felt it was a great opportunity that we wanted to offer them.

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Our three teens are going to The Wilds in June, with our church youth group. They are SOOOOOO excited! We know the many adults that will be going along, so dh and I are comfortable with their attending.


Oh, how fun! I envy him the experience. I predict he'll want to go back next summer. :)

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My ds has attended both Sea World Adventure Camp and Sea World Career Camp in San Antonio and I would highly recommend both. He also did some travel camping with a boys only group, Fort Smith Mountain Men out of Georgetown. One trip was a week in Big Bend and the other trip was a month that started with flying in to Seattle, taking the Inner Passage to Alaska, and working their way back down to Texas. That group is great if you have a son that is really into the outdoors and conservative in his thinking and looks. My son enjoyed the scenary, but not so much the company. There was some bullying and a Lord of the Flies mentality, especially on the Alaska trip. Ds went on the Big Bend trip first and it was fine, but the other one convinced me not to ever send him with that group again.

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The only camp any of my children have gone to is Boy Scout camp. I like the way BSA does it--the troop brings their own adults. ...... We've never done other camps:


dittos. oldest went to Philmont last year, and is headed to canada this summer.


I kept my 2d home his first summer in boy scouts: they wanted him to go to a week-long camp when he hadn't even been away for a weekend, with a buncha people that didn't know HIM and he didn't know well. Mr. Boo and I had a very entertaining knock down dragout over that one, but some great make up se......ssions, afterwards.


anyway, he stayed home that week, spent the next year working and camping with his troop, and went to summer camp this past June.


oldest ds wasn't too impressed w/ the NYLT course he did in December [and neither were we], but he has so much leadership via community service and 4-H that it was more a formality for the Scoutmaster than anything else.


I won't do camps w/ dorms or where parents can't participate in some capacity.

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You might consider picking a camp that feels right for your family/ children and go to their family camp this year. Often campers end their camp experience with a week that their family joins them. This may be a perfect way for you to become comfortable with the camp and your dc may be able to make a few connections to the next year.


Enjoy the camp experience, it can be life changing. If you have boys and want an only boys overnight camp experience that will impact your child into adulthood, check out; http://www.campnebagamon.com The owner of the camp went there as a child and now owns and runs the camp. It is a magical place. Many of the kids that went there get together for family camp up to 50 years later.


Let us know what you decide...for the curious minds.


Julie in Monterey

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You might consider picking a camp that feels right for your family/ children and go to their family camp this year. Often campers end their camp experience with a week that their family joins them. This may be a perfect way for you to become comfortable with the camp and your dc may be able to make a few connections to the next year.


Enjoy the camp experience, it can be life changing. If you have boys and want an only boys overnight camp experience that will impact your child into adulthood, check out; www.campnebagamon.com The owner of the camp went there as a child and now owns and runs the camp. It is a magical place. Many of the kids that went there get together for family camp up to 50 years later.


Let us know what you decide...for the curious minds.


Julie in Monterey


We love Family Camps and have experienced a handful of different ones. Cheap, family oriented, and fun! The last two years we've gone to Frost Valley YMCA in New York. DS10 will attend their Japanese Immersion Camp this summer.

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