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using only SL reader schedule?


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As I am thinking about whether or not to use a "reading program" or to just read really good books from library, I found that you can order a reader schedule from sl. Has anyone done this? What is included in the reader schedule? Does it mainly hold you accountable to schedule the books to be read?


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The reader schedule contains the schedule and some comprehension questions (one or two for each chapter). There is the occasional map work (just locating places on the map).


The schedule itself actually doesn't work for us, because M would go crazy if I told her she was only to read one chapter a day. I did use the comprehension questions a bit, just to make sure she was understanding what she was reading. (I've since lapsed on asking the questions.)


I did like having the incremental list of books to read, though, and I found the schedule very useful for that. Though her reading level was high, M didn't like reading chapter books, and preferred books with pictures. The Sonlight schedule gradually eases into books with less pictures.

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We are using the Level 2 Advanced book list right now. I like having the comprehension questions, but most I like knowing that dd is reading good books and that they gradually get more difficult. I have found now that dd is reading at the correct level, the SL schedule is about 20-25 min/day for my dd.

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I think it's particularly helpful when you have a newer reader or a reluctant reader. That way the chapters are all scheduled out for you, you have a great list of books, and a general plan. It worked well for my younger when she was just starting to read independently, and for my older when I first started assigning her novels to read for school. Once they got in the groove we found we really didn't need the day-to-day schedule anymore.

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I bought the readers schedule last year for Reader 2. We stared out using the comp questions, but by the end of the year, we were just reading--I had him read all of those books aloud.


So this year, we are doing Readers 2 int, and I didn't even bother with the reading schedule. Instead, i have him read at least a chapter a day and write a 2-3 sentence summary of one chapter. We discuss the summary, I get him to explain it further and I rewrite it if it didn't make sense--it's working great.



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Guest aquiverfull

I wasn't aware that you could order a reader schedule from SL. So is this what is normally contained in the instructor's guide? I'm curious to know because I'm thinking of doing a SL, WP mix next year and want only certain components of each.

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I wasn't aware that you could order a reader schedule from SL. So is this what is normally contained in the instructor's guide? I'm curious to know because I'm thinking of doing a SL, WP mix next year and want only certain components of each.


You can order a separate reader schedule up through 2 Advanced. 3 and above are still incorporated in the IG since it ties into the history.

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Guest aquiverfull
You can order a separate reader schedule up through 2 Advanced. 3 and above are still incorporated in the IG since it ties into the history.


Thanks for clearing that up for me Renai. I was interested in Core 4, so I guess this option won't work for me.

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I think this might be a good option at first to hold me accountable! Plus the books they schedule are really good I think. After that we could branch out on our own if we wanted to....



I like the schedule because it gives me an idea of what is required for the year. If we are ahead of the schedule, then I have a list of other books to fill in (on the same reading level...sequels and by the same author stuff). However, if we only finish the readers schedule then I know we're on track. Also, my ds loves the comprehension questions for some reason. I'm not quite sure why...maybe because he gets them all right :)

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