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Any Adrenal Fatigue sufferers?

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Looking for encouragement. I had this 6 yrs. ago and they couldn't diagnose me and I was sick for 3 mos. Have a new bout of it after very stressful month of December (actually, all year!). Wondering how other homeschoolers handle AF & homeschooling with the fatigue.




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Get the book (buy or at the library) "Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" by Dr. Rodger H. Murphree. The 3rd edition (c. 2006) is better than the older editions. There is a whole chapter in there on adrenal fatigue. I find it very helpful.


As is suggested in the book, I use an adrenal supplement with licorice (as well as other stuff) in it.


I do have fibromyalgia as well and am finding a lot of help on other issues from this book as well.

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Well, I have been living with "suboptimal" adrenal function for several years. I had a thyroid problem that went undiagnosed for 5 years and it messed them up. I am dealing with operating on half cylenders all the time. I pace myself, give myself breaks, try to set up our school so that the kids can do things independently and come to me for help. There have been weeks where I could not get up off the couch, so they came to me. Each child has a basket that has all their work in it, so they brought their basket to me. The foggy thinking does me in the most, though. Instead of explaining things, I would ask them questions and they explain things to me.


So, school does not look exactly the way I want it to look, nor do we accomplish everything I want to do, but we manage. I also don't do much housecleaning. I have a cleaning lady a couple times a month and we work together as a family to do the straightening.

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What I eat really affects my symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Staying completely away from caffeine, gluten and sugar help immensely. Also eating a leafy green for breakfast makes a huge difference in my ability to keep up with the needs of the day.


I recently started taking Juice Plus and WOW, that really has helped with the energy situation.


disclaimer: I do not work for/ with/ whatever Juice Plus. Just take it. :)

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I was diagnosed last year, but am doing much better. I saw a naturopathic doctor as well as an acupuncturist. I took more supplements than I ever have in my life, but it did really help. I got past the worst of it. If you can, get a consult with a holistic doctor/nutritionist, who I believe is more likely to provide some help.


For me it involved LOTS of extra protein, especially in the a.m., vitamin C in very high doses, kelp/iodine to support my thyroid, iron, high levels of B complex, magnesium/calcium at night and some adjustments to my schedule to help my sleep, melatonin at night to get me back into some sleep at least, sleeping late as much as possible (at least when DH was home). No caffeine, lowest sugar possible, whole foods, avoid preservatives. Honestly, it is probably what everyone should eat but most of us don't!

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I strongly suspect adrenal fatigue and fibromyalgia. I've been given an unofficial diagnosis. I just haven't taken the saliva test to determine for sure the AF.


It's been over 3 years now and I've slowly started feeling better the past few months. Giving up coffee was a big help, but I wasn't able to do it until we started homeschooling, I just needed to get going in the morning and to be okay to drive y son to preschool. ( It was the AF that started me on coffee in the first place).


I'm not completely gluten free, but limit consumption a lot. This has also helped, also limiting sugar helped. First, I quit all sugar for 30 days, then lessened the gluten, then quit the coffee.


Also, reducing my chemical load has helped. I only use very natural health care items (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.), I use only vinegar and water for cleaning, use Charlie's Soap in the wash, etc. I've come to realize I'm very chemically sensitive. Even walking past the laundry detergent aisle at Target gives me a headache.


Thanks for the book rec Jean I'm going to see if they have it at my library.


I do feel like having this has made me such a boring mom. I'm often too tired to play with the kids and don't have the energy to do any 'extras' with them. By the time we finish a lesson, I usually need a break. I was brought to tears when dh told me that ds1 said that mommy never plays with him. (games like hide and seek, throwing the ball around at the park, things like that). I used to be a very energetic person once upon a time..

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My naturopath recommended "Maca" to support adrenal function. Check with a certified herbalist or naturopath to see what other options/food choices would be helpful.

Maca has helped me quite a bit but everyone is different.



How do you take yours? Is it a powder, capsule, liquid? I bought some powder from WF a while ago. I love that it's an adaptogen but haven't figured out how to work it into my day. I don't know why I'm hesitant about it but I really want to try it. I don't like smoothies so I couldn't figure out how to take it...

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I have tried many supplements and some have seemed to work but until recently I felt nothing was making much difference and I had resigned myself to just needing a nap every afternoon, and a not very energetic life. With homeschooling, I would feel bad I found it exhausting to sit and work with my kids, and so I would try and get as much done first thing in the morning before I was whacked for the rest of teh day.

Then I went on a raw food diet- 6 weeks or so ago, and wow, I am amazed at the energy I have. I can skip my afternoon nap easily if I want. I am going bike riding instead of gentle walking. May seem small to others..but I feel energetic!

I know a raw food diet seems a bit extreme, but there are a lot of people doing it and having amazing health turn arounds...including from major diseases.

If anyone is interested in looking further into raw foods, this lady is wonderful- she cured her whole family of serious conditions by going raw, and she is a wonderful ambassador. http://rawfamily.com/

Edited by Peela
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