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need help for getting going in the morning..

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I am not a morning person. It's so difficult for me to get out of bed. My eldest is just the same. This late morning tendency is REALLY effecting (or affecting, somebody correct me) the enjoyment and efficacy of our homeschooling.


I love it when I do get in gear and we start school early like 8:30. But I just can't. I don't think I go to bed too late, 9:30 or 10ish. I take progesterone which helps me sleep deeper. DH brings me in a super caffeinated drink in the morning. Still, I have trouble getting going. I lay in bed for awhile, then potter around for a longer while. I am sort of like a steam engine. I go faster as the day wears on.


I don't want to switch school hours to late in the evening. Though I am strong, my brain is not. Besides I want to do other things as I am sure my kids do as well.


Help me, help me, help me or at least sympathize.

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Can you exercise a bit to get going? I am sluggish in the am, too. If I walk, I come back much more energized. Of course, it only lasts a couple of hours...:D

Too much caffeine can wear out your adrenals, y'know. Maybe gradually cutting back on the caff (add in decaf), checking your sugar, warming up your body temp by exercising...just some ideas.

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What makes you feel energetic? I would say, try to jump-start yourself by making yourself do that.


I find that I am a slow slug in the morning and need light and exercise to get going. So I got a dawn lamp, which shines right in my eyes to wake me up, and I go for a walk with friends first thing, at 6.30. It is really hard to force myself out of bed, but if someone is waiting for me it's easier, and by the time I come back I am ready to face the day.

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I am a lot like that as well! While I still struggle--a lot--there are a few things that have helped:


--I use a Vitamin D light in the morning. Since you're in CA perhaps you could take a walk instead.


--Dh brings me tea, bless him.


--We start school in my bed with read-alouds and Bible study. Then the kids transition directly into their work while I shower and etc. Starting school in bed is the number one thing that made a difference. I could stay in my jammies, sleepy, but still be productive. The kids love-love-love the cuddle time.


If you weren't so far from me I'd say we should take a walk together in the morning for accountability. :)

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I am very much the same way. The only time I've ever been a morning person was several years ago when I took early morning classes at the gym. Exercise really does give you a ton of energy, I just wish I could find a way to get back into it!


Right before Christmas break, I decided I'd had enough of our current routine. I set two alarm clocks for myself & forced myself to go to bed by 9:30 (which seriously sucks). My goal was to be up at six, which would give me roughly 2 hours to "wake up" (and drink lots of coffee!) before school started. In the end, I got pretty good at waking up by 6:30, but it took a week or so & it was NOT easy.


Then, of course, Christmas break happened & my nice new schedule went out the window. This morning I was lucky to be up at 8:30 (despite the two alarm clocks blaring for nearly 2 hours straight!), so I'll be trying again tomorrow. I guess that's all you can really do ~ try, try again until it happens & becomes a consistent routine. As with anything else, it's a matter of self-discipline & it definitely takes some work.

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