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Opera question.....

Heather in VA

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Our movie theatres are going to be showing some special engagements of the Metropolitan Opera doing La Boheme and Tristan und Isolde. I'd like to take my oldest to see one of them. I'd actually prefer to go to the real opera but it's too expensive.


So which one should we go see? I just don't know which she would be more likely to enjoy.



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Tristan und Isolde is a sentimental favorite of mine as far as tragic love stories go. Yet the music of La Boheme is exquisite. I've never seen either in person, so I'm just speaking from what I know based on literature and CD's. Maybe you could let her listen to recordings of both of the opera's and let her decide which one she prefers? I'm sure you'll both have a lovely time no matter which you see. What a great way to spend some quality time together :001_wub:

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I suggest la Boheme. I've done the movie operas both last year and this year with a friend, and we've definitely seen an increase in attendance. I would suggest getting your tickets in advance and arriving early to get good seats. Think first day of a hit movie :)


You'll love the performance. Soprano Renee Fleming interviews the soloists during the intermission. The last one we saw she even interviewed the conductor, James Levine (he said he changes his shirt in between Acts because he sweats so much - he really gets into his performance!!

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