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Struck by Lightening, and lived to tell about it

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Ds (6) was in the tub. A Lightening McQueen car/bubble bath container fell and struck him under his eye. Made a lovely little gash. He was wailing quite loud for quite a while (it looked like it hurt!). To diffuse the situation, I said, "WOW! You were struck by Lightening and lived to tell about it!" He couldn't help but start laughing/crying then. Poor little guy! I wonder if he'll end up with some black under the eye stuff with where it is?

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Awe, poor little guy. That is a tender spot to take a licking. Since he has survived a lightning strike, I'd like an autograph, :D When I was little, we had a neighbor who really did survive two lightning strikes. :D


One time, he was out in a boat and the lake was hit, :eek: another time he was playing golf, and took shelter under a tree :rolleyes: Yep, he was always a bit loud and crazy.

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A Lightening McQueen car/bubble bath container


We have the same kind of container and ds will not let me throw it away. We have had it about a year. It even survived a move. Maybe if I tell him how dangerous it is to keep around he will let me toss it.



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We have the same kind of container and ds will not let me throw it away. We have had it about a year. It even survived a move. Maybe if I tell him how dangerous it is to keep around he will let me toss it.




Ours went in the garbage at the request of ds last night after that! We have had ours for a long time too. It was up on the bar that you might hang your washcloth on. He tried to toss his cloth up there and it knocked the car down. A corner or something hit just at the right angle to put a little cut under his eye. Glad it didn't hit his eye! It looks much better this morning. I guess we'll have to wait and see if anything turns black around there!

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Ouch!!! I'm glad to see that he's better this morning! He sure deserves a black eye (in a good way - you know, they're SOOOO cool!!!), so I almost hope it does bruise! LOL


My sister was actually struck by lightning when she was younger! It wasn't a direct hit (we don't think) - she was standing next to a basketball pole and got hit. She has scars from the entry and exit wounds!

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