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I can't believe I twisted my ankle today!

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I was sitting on the couch early this morning, and my foot went partially to sleep. I walked on it anyway (dumb dumb dumb) and it turned under and I fell, pretty hard.


I iced it and slept for a couple of hours. I took Advil as well.


But there is a big gray swollen area on the upper right hand side of my right foot now--sticking out as far as my ankle bone does. There is a really sharp pain when I turn my foot to the left. But otherwise it just hurts dully as long as I stay off of it. I can wiggle my toes and can put weight on it.


I can't decide whether to put an Ace bandage around it or not--what if there is a clot?


I can't believe I did this stupid, flukey thing! Drat!

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I can walk on it with difficulty, and wiggle my toes.

I don't know about all those little itty bitty bones in my foot, though.


But really, what can they do for a broken foot bone anyway? Don't they just leave it to heal on its own?


It depends on which bone it is.


I broke my foot the day before my due date with #4. (Of course, he didn't actually come for another two weeks.:glare:) They x-rayed it, gave me a walking cast, and told me to stay off it as much as possible.


I wore the cast, but I think I walked on it too much (what with labor and a newborn and all), and I now have a bone spur where the break was.

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I have a bad ankle that I repeatedly sprained and eventually had to have tendon surgery (the tendon was severed).


Then last December I thought that I had sprained it again, and it turns out that I had a hairline fracture. I walked all over Williamsburg with my kids and then went to the doctor when I came back, and he casted it.

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My orthopaedist told me that if you can pin point a source of pain (ie run your finger along the bones and not feel any pain until you get to one spot), that often indicates a break/fracture. Generally pain or all over pain usually means a sprain/strain/etc.


I hope you did just twist it.

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My guess is that it is broken. Do a google search on metatarsal fracture. I have one too. We should hang out with our feet up.:) I am not going to the doctor for the fracture, as I have had one before (though I am pretty sure this is 3 or 4) but that clot thing has me freaking out. What is the low-down on clots with fractures?

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Woohoo! I finally got scared enough to go to the minor injury clinic this morning, and have NO broken bones. Yaaay! The doc was very concerned about the 5th metatarsal, but it was fine in the X-ray. A nice fringe benefit--he had my knee x-rayed as well, and I don't have any arthritis at all--for my age, that is awfully good he said. He gave me a brace and permission to wrap it, which I have been afraid to do because of the extreme bruising, and also some ibuprofen equivalent that is time released. I'm so glad that I went.

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Thank you for asking. My Dad took me to the ER. I have a thread about it. I didn't want to steal your thunder. lol. I did have a metatarsal fracture all the way through, but only one, it is lined up, and the other fractures are only toes.


I am doing pretty good at the moment. I didn't have any serious clot or circulation issues. Just my normal stuff mixed with non-use. The shoe that they gave me allows me to walk fairly easily when I really need to and they gave me permission to do so. I also have crutches which really help when it is swollen and I need a rest from the pressure of the shoe (like now). I did overdo it and have to take Vicoden and use ice right now. It is hard to strike a balance. We will see if I will continue to pay for it tomorrow.

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