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I need party game ideas for a group of teens

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Scattergories is alot of fun. We played that at a BBQ this past summer. Ds12 didn't want to stop playing. Maybe Pictionary would be fun too or a game where someone draws something and everyone guesses(can't remember the name). They could play charades. I don't know if kids know that games w/o a board or cards actually exist.

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Can they go outside?

Ultimate frisbee and flag football are favorites with our teens.


They also like Scattergories, Blurt and other "talking" games.

Have you ever played "Four on a Couch?"

Way too complicated for me to explain, but it's like a memory game where everyone has different names and switches seats...adults and teens alike enjoy that one.

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I don't know what the name of this game is, it's just one we learned at New Year's Eve party years ago..kids love it.


One person does the game and one person has to be in on the answer to be helpful.


THe person doing the game kneels down the floor and lays out several knives in a radom pattern in front of him explaining that it is an Myan way of counting. he then asks the guests to figure out the number. He might lay out 5, with some of them crossing each other. People will answer 5...........and then the person in on the game eventually answers with the correct answer.

Guests will not get it at first, so the person then lays out another random pattern of knives and the 2nd person again eventually gives the answer.


The key is that the person who is laying out the knives is actually holding out his fingers and that is what the answer is..it has nothing to do with the knives.

always lots of fun!

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We played a really fun game at our Christmas party this year. Put 12 small things in a sock and knot it. Pass it around with paper and pencils and see who can guess the most items. Everyone had a great time with it. We did use 2 identically stuffed socks so people weren't waiting so long for their turns. Maybe 3 or 4 would be appropriate for your situation-20 kids or so, right?

Some things we used-lego, straw, pipe cleaner, Christmas light, bell, button, crayon, paper clip, army dude, bottle top....We used a chocolate kiss this year and got a great laugh when people said, "Oh, it's getting softer!" Oops. Wouldn't recommend candy. :)

Have fun!

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