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Prayer request for sil in freak accident

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While driving to work this morning, my brother's fiance had a large rock fly through the driver's side window and smash into her head. She Thankfully was able to pull over safely without gettiing into an accident but was rushed to hospital with a major head wound. She spent the morning there for observation after the glass was removed and she was stitched up and is now home recovering. no one really knows what happened yet, police are investigating to see if the rock was somehow shot up(though from the sounds of it it was too big for that to happen) or if it was thrown at her while she drove. The wound itself is pretty bad and she has a pretty severe concussion. I would like prayers for her that she heals quickly without any further complications and that the police can figure out what happened this morning. If this was in fact something caused by another person throwing rocks I hope that they are caught quickly and brought to justice so that they can not cause a major tragedy. It is only through God's hands that my sil was able to keep control of her car and pull over after being hit so hard and avoid colliding with another car.

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I'm praying for her.


That happened to my dh a year ago, only, it went through the passenger side window and smashed up the outside of the door too... thankfully the kids and I were not with him and no one was hurt. That is very scary! At first he thought it was a gunshot that shattered the window (because he was driving through a sketchy part of town. Turns out, the rock wasn't very big, but it had a huge impact on the car coming at such a fast speed from the tire of a nearby truck.


:grouphug: Praying for quick recovery!

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I just got off the phone with her. She ended up with 6 stitches right above her ear, the ER Dr said she was very very lucky it hadn't been slightly over and hit her temple.


Police are now saying it may have actually been a block of ice not a rock, today was fairly decent temps after a major deep freeze, and a chunk of ice on the road may have loosened and somehow been shot up towards her. Apparently the mirror on the driver's door, and the driver's window are shattered, the rock or ice or whatever it was then shot out the back window and that has left a big hole in it. The whole thing is so freaky. Thankfully she was close to work, which also happens to be where her dad works so she called him and he arranged everything with the police, the tow company, the autobody shop and taking her to the ER. She got ahold of my brother (he was in teh shower when she first tried calling him and she got scared when she couldn't get ahold of him), so he stayed home today and took care of her. Which is good because I told her if he hadn't he would have me, my sister and my mother to answer to for not doing so. She has 1 doozy of a headache, and is still shaken about the whole thing, but it sounds like she will be fine. She gets her stitches out on the 23rd, so her and Austin have plans to be grumpy together on that day(he is having a tooth pulled that day too)

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Wow, Brandy, she must have been terrified. I would have been hysterical. There is comfort in knowing that it was a piece of ice and not a rock thrown deliberately, although I'd be scared to drive for a while. I'll be praying that she is able to get back in the driver's seat soon and not be too afraid to drive.


That doctor was right about how wonderful it was that she was not hit in the temple. Two days ago a young lady in my county was struck by one stray piece of gunshot while out hunting - it hit her directly in the temple and she died. I'm so glad your sil is going to be ok. Hooray for her dad and your brother for being such great caretakers!

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