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Prayer Request: My cousin was just diagnosed with brain cancer

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Could ya'll pray?


Just 1 week ago, he had a seizure & collapsed, was rushed to the ER and had a CTScan, only to find that he has 2 large tumors (1 is covering 30% the right portion of his brain). Drs did surgery 4 days later, but were unable to remove either tumor. The tumor metastasized in the few days between the previous CTScan, which is an indication of malignancy. Pathology, however, won't come back until next week, so they refuse to give prognosis and have 'sent him home'. The drs told the family they didn't have anything good to tell him, so didn't really tell him anything. It is possible that he could die within a few weeks.


His siblings & father are in varying stages of their Christian walk, but I know this is a huge blow considering they lost their mother to cancer 10 years ago (and our granparents died from cancer as well). He's 38.


Could you pray for the family?


Thank you.


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We have a family friend who was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor - stage 4. They gave him less than a year. He ended up going to a different doctor (I think it was a Johns Hopkins) and he's given them some hope. They reduced it to stage 2.


I'm so sorry this is happening in your family. I'll pray for them. Please let them know that there may be hope!!!

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