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She just wet her pants for the 4th (5th?) time in 2 days. Yesterday I understood--we were out late the night before, & she always has an accident or 2 when she's tired. Today, she watched herself wet through her 2nd pair of pants all over the floor.


She colored on 4 worksheets, dumped her shirt drawer, threw a cup in the floor (filled w/ water) in order to reach something further back, & stole cheerios from the baby (she had her own).


She's back to screaming nearly non-stop. I mean, she says everything at the top of her lungs anyway, but hardly anything makes her happy these days. She either wants something else or more of what she's got.


We're at least decent at being consistent, & we don't respond to screaming, so I know it will pass, but in the mean time? I'm tired. And I"m realizing that next yr may not be easier than this yr, after all. (1yo turns 2 3mos after 2yo turns 3--I think they're going to eat my lunch.)

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Aubrey, isn't it funny how, no matter how many children you have, you seem to some how ^forget^ what two and three year olds can be like inbetween children? :D


As you know, this too shall pass. Just remember, after two and three comes four. And four, so far at least, is easier than two and three.


But remind yourself, when you have a happy moment, that you don't *really want to wish away two years of your child's life. Well, maybe a few moments of it, the very hardest ones. But most of it, you wouldn't really want to be without her, now would you? :001_smile:

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My 2 year old has me so exhausted by the time dh comes home that I often go to my bedroom, shut the door, and put in ear plugs just so I can regain my composure. She is SO VERY LOUD, all the time. Happy noise but loud and tiresome all the same. Who would have thought that Lalalalala a million times at the top of her lungs could drive me to insanity? I feel like some children's book: I want milk. No I want choklete. No that one. Where's blankie?


Then why did she undress 3 times in 15 minutes this morning? As I was trying to get myself dressed to pick up my son, late, from his tutor? Never mind it is 30 outside and I wasn't going to take her naked - although I thought about it.


My son was not difficult at 2 and 3. Really. Yes, he was a busy climber and part monkey. But nothing like this little drama queen/mini opera singer I have now.


So, hugs, I know. And being 40 isn't helping me much today :)

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I hear ya. My dd started being TWO at 18 months, and I've been told they don't stop until they are nearly four. *sigh* Which will be just in time for ds to start being two. This thread, and the fact that ds has been biting the boobies persistently for the last 24 hours, makes me feel glad we're stopping at two kids. I'm looking forward to the time when cuddles stop hurting!



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I hear ya. My dd started being TWO at 18 months, and I've been told they don't stop until they are nearly four. *sigh* Which will be just in time for ds to start being two. This thread, and the fact that ds has been biting the boobies persistently for the last 24 hours, makes me feel glad we're stopping at two kids. I'm looking forward to the time when cuddles stop hurting!




Dd likes to climb up the back of my chair, grab 2 fistfuls of my hair, & go spelunking. "Look, Mama, I hangin' on TIGHT!" she giggles as I scream.

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Dd likes to climb up the back of my chair, grab 2 fistfuls of my hair, & go spelunking. "Look, Mama, I hangin' on TIGHT!" she giggles as I scream.

Oh! How sweet! Here we have a variation. Dd climbs up behind me, wraps her arms tightly around my neck and giggles while I try to breathe and remove the vice from my neck. At least mine can't talk enough to boast about it. That really adds insult to injury!




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Oh! How sweet! Here we have a variation. Dd climbs up behind me, wraps her arms tightly around my neck and giggles while I try to breathe and remove the vice from my neck. At least mine can't talk enough to boast about it. That really adds insult to injury!





Yeah, we have the strangle-hold here, too. And she declares that everything, EVERYTHING she does is "because I love you, Mama!" :001_huh:

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My two year old shushes me. Seriously. If he doesn't like what I'm telling him, he puts a finger over my mouth and says "shhh". If I continue, he does it again screaming "HUSH!".


I also get the strangle hold, and not enough vocabulary to brag about it.


Luckily, overall he's a pretty good two year old. So far he's the most mellow and easy going of my kids. He is opinionated though.

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She climbed up the back of my computer chair today, stood behind me, & wet herself. Before I even knew I was wet, she said, "I pottied on you, Mama!"


Then I stood, turned to look at her in horror, to see that she had, in fact, done what she said, & seeing my face, she began the chant: "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!"


Why is she wetting herself all the time all of a sudden? Why did ds8 pop my exercise ball & dump all of the bubble solution we'd made for science the day before? Why does 2yo dump the entire contents of all her drawers? Why is clean laundry from the sofa always on the floor the next time I walk through the room? Why did it take ds 3hrs to do his math, & when I checked, everything he'd done was wrong?


These are not just rhetorical questions. These are I-wonder-what-kind-of-job-I-could-get questions.


Dh's job offer was rescinded today, too. His non-competition agreement w/ his current co turns out to be a legal nightmare. I told him it looked that way to me, but...what do I know, right? :glare:


And just for laughs, I might as well mention that I ignored the October date on my yogurt, figuring it's sealed. It had curds, but of course, I didn't notice until I got to the bottom. I can't tell you how close I've been to tears all day today.

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It sounds as though she is finding it interesting. Sometimes I can't wait for mine to toilet train, sometimes I think it'd be easier if she stayed in nappies until age 5.





Rosie, she's definitely got that personality--she's the one who ripped her diaper off & peed out the window when she was 1--but now...I think something else might be going on. An allergy, yeast infection, imbalance of some sort. Because her behavior is WAY off, too.


On a (somewhat) brighter note, she told me this AM she had to go potty. I told her I'd hold her biscuit for her, because she was headed to the bathroom w/ it. But I noticed how she was running & followed her in there to turn on the light & help. We bumped into ea other. The biscuit went flying. Landed in the potty chair.


Stuff like this seems like it only happens to me. Although, if you asked her, I'm pretty sure she'd say it happened to *her* not me, lol. When she was done hysterically screaming & I'd serruptitiously broken off baby's biscuit for her, she sat sniffling, saying, "I sad about my biscuit." Over & over & over. :lol:

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Rosie, she's definitely got that personality--she's the one who ripped her diaper off & peed out the window when she was 1--but now...I think something else might be going on. An allergy, yeast infection, imbalance of some sort. Because her behavior is WAY off, too.


On a (somewhat) brighter note, she told me this AM she had to go potty. I told her I'd hold her biscuit for her, because she was headed to the bathroom w/ it. But I noticed how she was running & followed her in there to turn on the light & help. We bumped into ea other. The biscuit went flying. Landed in the potty chair.


Stuff like this seems like it only happens to me. Although, if you asked her, I'm pretty sure she'd say it happened to *her* not me, lol. When she was done hysterically screaming & I'd serruptitiously broken off baby's biscuit for her, she sat sniffling, saying, "I sad about my biscuit." Over & over & over. :lol:


You seem to have a very eventful life. I'm not sure if I'm jealous or thankful that it's not me. Maybe we just aren't at an eventful period right now.


I wish I could get Owen to potty train. He's just not interested yet. I'd like to have that DONE before the new baby arrives.

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You seem to have a very eventful life. I'm not sure if I'm jealous or thankful that it's not me. Maybe we just aren't at an eventful period right now.


When I was a kid, I used to watch I Love Lucy & wish I were her. Be careful what you wish for.


Our car broke down over the weekend. I thought it was dh's car, because I heard what I thought was him outside trying to start it. For about 30 min. I laid in bed praying for him, frustrated that it wouldn't start. Then the sound flipped & it was just a clicking sound. Very bad. But *still* he was just pushing it & pushing it. Not what you're supposed to do when you get that noise, I thought, but he knows more about it than me. He sounded frustrated, going at it for so long.


Then he turned up next to me in a bath towel, still getting ready for work. I figured it was a neighbor until that night when my van wouldn't start. Turns out, the starter shorted out somehow & tried to start itself. :001_huh:


Who ever HEARD of such a thing? The owner of the place that fixed it said that was possible, but the mechanic who took the keys the next morning looked like dh was telling him a ghost story. :lol:

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Wow. That is very good and funny. You should definitely be able to turn your eventful life into something profitable.


I hope you're right. I mean, once I've peeled the egg off my eye, restarted the car, & experimented w/ fliushing biscuits. But then, my luck, nobody would believe me anyway. *I* don't believe me any more. LOL

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  • 1 year later...

I'm resurrecting my own thread, because it was suggested as "similar" to what I'm complaining about today. My current 2yo is *much* easier than my former 2yo, and now I have had that put properly in perspective. Gratitude.


(It helps that 2yo has finally gone down for his nap & stopped crying about it. And that the very loud toy that 4yo played w/ right outside his door didn't wake him up.) :lol:

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