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If I live in the subtropics, can I have a chest freezer in the garage?

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I have never heard of this before. I am in Australia, down in Victoria, so it isn't as hot as the rest of Australia, but we do get days up to 45oC and when it gets that hot the power usually goes out. I know heaps of people who have their freezer in the shed, and even on the veranda.

Go for a chest freezer, they Keep the cold in better than an upright in hotter places.

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We live in the Houston area. We purchased an upright freezer and put it in our garage this summer. It seems to work fine, we only open it in the early morning or evening, but then only 2-4 times per week. The impact on our electricity usage seems minimal. I keep records of our KWhr usage back to when we purchased the house, and the usage this past summer is in line with the previous summers. We do keep the freezer ful though. Space not occupied by food is occupied by water frozen in empty milk or juice containers.

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We live in Central Florida and have had a chest freezer in our garage for 15 years with no problem. We also have a spare refrigerator out there. MIL and FIL have an upright in their garage. The trick is to keep it full or almost full. A mostly empty freezer won't work well, especially in high temps and humidity.

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We live in central Florida, and the freezer that we had in our garage did not work well at all. It was on all the time. The garage was a well insulated garage, but it still got really hot in there.


The freezer only started to work properly when we took it in to the house.


Sarah, did you keep it full with water-filled jugs? I'm wondering if that is the difference between it working in the garage or not.


Glad to see someone from Florida on!

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