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If you have used Managers of Their Homes or

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Managers of Their Chores I'd like to hear your opinion. I'm really struggling with time management more and more each year. I do have our children helping with chores, but I never seem to be able to get into a good routine. I'm struggling with routine even during our school time. My kids are definitely learning, but I think school would be easier on us all if our time were a little more structured. There are too many things to do and not enough time.


So, I have a few questions about the Maxwell s books...


Did you feel the books really helped you to sort out management issues?


Did you think their process was too long and complicated for something you could have come up with on your own?


Basically, do you think the time you spent (and money) on the books was worthwhile and helpful to your family?


Please, help me decide if these would be worthwhile for me. It looks to me like I would have to invest lots of time into reading and working with these...and time is just what I don't have right now. On the other hand, if they can help me then I'm willing to put the time in on them.




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Did you feel the books really helped you to sort out management issues?


Did you think their process was too long and complicated for something you could have come up with on your own?


Basically, do you think the time you spent (and money) on the books was worthwhile and helpful to your family?


I used MOTH several years ago, before MOTC came out. I found the resources and the process very helpful. I do not agree with the parenting ideas or baby management advice in the book(s), but I was able to utilize the system to the benefit of our family and homeschool.


It is, honestly, not magic, rocket science or terribly innovative. But it did the "here's how to get it together" work for me, presented a step by step system I could follow, gave me the paper and scripting resources to do it, reminded me to pray about it all and was worth the money.

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I purchsed the MOTH book several years ago and have tried implementing it 2 times. It helped me realize that we do better with lots of flexibility. I am by nature very laidback, and trying to adhere to a schedule was adding to my stress.


I think the structure/routine stuff gets easier as the kids get older as well. Back when I had to work around infant feedings and naps, I did feel the need for a little more structure. Now, everyone knows what to do and we spend the day getting it done - in no particular order.


Those are my disconnected, rambling thoughts on the subject.:001_smile:

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I bought it once, kept it for a couple of years, then sold it. I did use it and found it helpful, but did not stick to the schedule long-term. Lately I've really felt the need for more help, so I bought it again. I really like their scheduling advice. I do not regret buying it again.


I have never used MOTC, but there is some chore advice in MOTH.

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I bought MOTH and spent a weekend setting up a schedule, a week or two implementing it, and a month or year or so, not following through :tongue_smilie:


I don't regret buying it, though!


I've discovered through trying Flylady and MOTH that these systems are goals to work toward, not a magic wand to fix my problems. I've learned to be content with progress, baby steps in a general direction. So, I take a baby step or two from Flylady, an idea or two from MOTH, and implement them one at a time into my day. I force myself not to get discouraged when I drop the step/idea, but get back on the wagon (after PMS, it always happens!).


It's a mindset, not a system, that will ultimately change your day! That said, yes, it'll be difficult and time-consuming, but yes, it'll totally be worth it to get the book, try it out, find what works for you, discard what doesn't, and then try, try again!


HTH :)

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Did you feel the books really helped you to sort out management issues?


We've been using MOTH for about 4 years now I guess. I am by nature much better at coming up with a plan than I am at implementing it. Reading MOTH, for the first time helped me see that by having I schedule I could not only get more done but make sure that the priorities get done first. Following the schedule helps me overlook the mess in the living room during school time because I know I will have time to clean it later. It also helps me make time to spend with younger children each day rather than feeling like I'm always teaching the older ones while the youngers wander around without supervision.


Did you think their process was too long and complicated for something you could have come up with on your own?


I find their process very easy to use although I have always chosen to make my schedule on the computer rather than on paper.


Basically, do you think the time you spent (and money) on the books was worthwhile and helpful to your family?


Yes. Definitely worthwhile. HTH

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I did. My kids kept loosing their packets. However I did find that giving them one index card, numbered with their chores actually worked better. Less to keep track of for both mom and kid(s).


Chore cards in general were a win. The ones who got up early could start early. And I loved coming down and finding them productive and busy.

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I bought and used MOTH. I am an organizational freak and loved the idea of planning every second of every day. We used my schedule for 1 day and found it to be nearly impossible with two littles. I also found out that my dd has concentration issues and we could not do school while the littles were awake (which blew up the schedule). I think it was a good read and would be more useful for those with multiple dc that are older.

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I have both and use them. My children end up memorizing their chores, but I love being able to say choretime - grab your chore packs. It helps that my dh is also able to get chores going by announcing it's chore time - grab your chore packs. As for as MOTH, I've never been able to follow a schedule that well, but I've found that working through the scheduling is helpful in and of itself. It gives us a plan of action, even if poorly implemented. lol, one year I was convinced that I could have the house clean, school finished, the children bathed, the children having played one-on-one with each other by noon, along with their time on the computer. I worked with my schedule for days trying to make it work, but I no matter how much I tweaked my schedule I needed more time. It forced me to realize my expectations were too high and we needed more time to accomplish my list. :D

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