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Anyone interested in a Flat Stanley (or Stacey) swap??

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I started a Girl Scout Troop in Oct. and our first big project is a Flat Stacey swap. I havent had much interest from any of the yahoo groups I belong to so I thought I would give it a whirl here.


If you havent ever heard of it, the gist of it is you make a Flat Stanley (based on the books) or Stacey and send it to someone elsewhere in the world or country. The reciever takes pictures with the paper doll doing the things that they do every day, in places that are unique to their area, etc. They write a journal of their activities with Stanley.Tthen at the end of a specific amount of time, they pack up Stanley and the journal and send it back.


Here is the link to the official project.


Anyway anyone up for the swap? I have 3 age groups of girls with a total of 8 girls. I would love to have each girl be able to swap with someone but if it doesnt work out that way I can pair them up. I would love to have a couple of international swaps if possible.


ETA: I am not following the official project and my rules may be different that the porject intended. I'm making it work for us and our needs! :) No need to register with the project.

Edited by caitlinsmom
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I am planning on having the girls write their notes tonight and decorate their paper dolls. This is our last week of scouts though until January.


If everyone is okay with it, we could plan to have every thing mailed out the second week in January? That gets us through the holidays without adding one more thing. :)


Boys or girls are just fine. Any ages are great too.

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I'm in if a 4 year old boy can participate.


A funny story about Flat Stanley: Several years ago our Goddaughter was doing this project. We were off on a cruise so FS came with us. Lots of great pics UNTIL we got to the Turtle Farm in Grand Cayman. DH set FS up on a railing next to the turtle enclosure. Along came a gust of wind and well, FS became turtle food. Let's just say that when we were supposed to send FS back, we said that he was having so much fun in Grand Cayman that he just didn't want to leave!:lol:

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I started a Girl Scout Troop in Oct. and our first big project is a Flat Stacey swap. I havent had much interest from any of the yahoo groups I belong to so I thought I would give it a whirl here.


If you havent ever heard of it, the gist of it is you make a Flat Stanley (based on the books) or Stacey and send it to someone elsewhere in the world or country. The reciever takes pictures with the paper doll doing the things that they do every day, in places that are unique to their area, etc. They write a journal of their activities with Stanley.Tthen at the end of a specific amount of time, they pack up Stanley and the journal and send it back.


Here is the link to the official project.


Anyway anyone up for the swap? I have 3 age groups of girls with a total of 8 girls. I would love to have each girl be able to swap with someone but if it doesnt work out that way I can pair them up. I would love to have a couple of international swaps if possible.


ETA: I am not following the official project and my rules may be different that the porject intended. I'm making it work for us and our needs! :) No need to register with the project.



I might possibly be interested, my dd is 10 1/2. I first learned about Flat Stanley just this past year when my sister told me her dd participated in a f.s.....that was about 15 years ago! I had just not heard of it until recently. My sister thinks it's hilarious and recounted one of the journey's their f.s. made was on an airplane flight and someone asked a pilot to hold f.s. and they took a picture. FUNNY! :lol: Keep me posted, please.

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