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Vocabulary program - when do you start?

Michelle T

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At what age/grade do you start a formal vocabulary program, or do you not use one? I've just been counting on all the literature I read to DS to boost his vocabulary, but I'm wondering if it's time to do something more formal or structured. DS will be 12 in a couple months.


Which vocabulary curriculums are the best?

Michelle T

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I have used WW but found it was much better to read and read and read... We listen to vocabulary rich audio bks in the car. I have the girls read aloud, and I read to them, stopping when we come across a word they don't understand, and talk about it. Again, I try to choose bks that are challenging. We have little "junk" lit in the house, there is some but it's for free time reading.

My oldest tested college level with this last Iowa, and I honestly feel it is a result of the years we have showered her with words.

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I'm using R&S spelling which moves into more of a vocabulary program in 7th & 8th grade as it focuses on Latin & Greek roots. I'll finish up this series, but I'm not sure if I will include a formal vocabulary program in high school. I've been looking at the different programs available, and I was considering Jensen's Vocabulary, Vocabulary for the High School Student, and Vocabulary for the College Bound. However, as I review these programs, they just looks monotonous and somewhat boring. I'm thinking I may just have my boys keep a vocabulary notebook as part of their literature studies.

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We do not use a program. I find that we do a lot in our reading, history and science. I did, however, buy a short little workbook we started using after Christmas.


It is from Teacher Created Materials, it is called Vocabulary, practice makes perfect. It has been perfect for our needs. It is a very simple lesson we use 2x per week.


I plan on using these until at least 7th grade, when we probably switch to a more standard vocab program.

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I wasn't going to use a program. I was just going to do lots and lots of great lit. But during one of my famous periods of self-doubts, I thought I should get a program to fall back on, just in case. I had looked at WW and thought it was just a bunch of busy work. I ended up buying VocabuLit.


I really like this program. They use a selection from books-- fiction and non-fiction-- and take words from this selection for the lesson's Master List. There is a variety of activities-- analogies, synonms, antonyms, crossword puzzles etc. to understand the meanings of these words. It's still busy work, but I can see a purpose of this. My dd enjoys doing it so I think we are going to continue on.




mom of 3 (8,7,5)

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We started WW2 this year and it has helped ds. We only do it 2x a week (1 or 2 pages). The lesson starts with about 10 vocab (I read it all to him). Afterwards he does exercise 1 &2 . The next day he does exercise 3. It is then followed by a story including all the words on the vocab. list (I read it aloud) and then he answers the questions at the end of the story. So far, it's been good. It's light work, if I see that he is tired of it, we stop. He loves knowing that a word can mean different things. For example "claw" 1. is the sharp curved nail on the toe of a bird or animal. 2. "claw" is the part of a crab or lobster used for gripping. 3. "claw" something is to scratch or dig it with sharp nails. My ds "Ohhhhhhhh, I didn't know that, cool!"

I will be ordering WW3 for him and WW10 for me for fall. :) need some work on vocab.



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