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Gifts for friends?

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I usually give several friends gifts for Christmas. Sometimes it's just for the friend, other times it's a family gift. Friend only one year was a scarf I knitted. Another year the family gift was a beans for soup in a jar. The last 2 years I've done a Christmas pin for friends and something else. I bought 10 pins last year and didn't use them all.


This year I'm going back and forth between baking and another jar gift. The jar this year would be something sweet - cookies or hot chocolate, maybe both. I don't know if I'd bake cookies or bread. I do have a few friends who bake their own bread, so I'd need to do something different for them. Which would you rather receive, a jar with most ingredients to bake with your family or a loaf of bread? Or maybe a jar of homemade applesauce.


Then I've started giving hostess gifts for the Christmas parties we go to. It usually is something small - very small. I'm wondering about baking muffins for breakfast the next day. The Christmas parties we go to are usually adults only and last until late. I figure muffins would give them an easy breakfast the next day. I'm thinking if I do this, I'll include 3 muffins per person in the house. Two families have 4 kids and the other party is empty nesters. Good idea or no?

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I love the muffin idea as a gift to the host/hostess. What a great idea!


As far as jar gifts, I'd prefer something sweet over bread, only because I find bread a PITA to make (I'm an instant-gratification person, so I hate waiting for it to rise, and I don't like kneading it in stuff. If it's something I can add milk & eggs to, mix it, bake it, & be done, then I'm happy). I would definitely prefer something sweet or something already made (like applesauce or jam).

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I love the muffin idea as a gift to the host/hostess. What a great idea!


As far as jar gifts, I'd prefer something sweet over bread, only because I find bread a PITA to make (I'm an instant-gratification person, so I hate waiting for it to rise, and I don't like kneading it in stuff. If it's something I can add milk & eggs to, mix it, bake it, & be done, then I'm happy). I would definitely prefer something sweet or something already made (like applesauce or jam).


:iagree: 100%!


So thoughtful a hostess gift, too!

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