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How would you solve this Singapore Word Problem?


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Can I ask your help on how you would explain this word problem to your child?


Peter earned $2800. All his money was either spent or saved. He spent 4 times as much as he saved. How much did he save?


It would help me to see the variations in how you can solve it. We use Singapore Math. Thanks guys!

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We just started with 1a this year, so I have no idea how SM would say to solve it, but I would divide by 5 (4 parts spent, 1 part saved).


Hope that helps. :)


Singapore would probably use bars to demonstrate what you've mentioned above.


Saved: ---- (1 bar)

Spent: ---- ---- ---- ---- (4 bars)


$2800 = 5 bars.

$560 = 1 bar.


He saved $560. Barring any mental mistakes, that is how we would approach it.




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We just started with 1a this year, so I have no idea how SM would say to solve it, but I would divide by 5 (4 parts spent, 1 part saved).


Hope that helps. :)


Early in our SM adventure, I would draw boxes illustrating what we know.


Spent 4 times as saved...



|----||----||----||----| } total $2800




Then we underline the question and solve by dividing to find value of 1 unit.

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Peter earned $2800. All his money was either spent or saved. He spent 4 times as much as he saved. How much did he save?



We have one unit of money saved and four units of money spent, for a total of five units of money. The total amount of money is $2800, so five units equal $2800. This means that one unit equals $560. Since Peter saved one unit of money, he saved $560.

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Thanks for the responses. I think the bars will help my son. I kind of feel that some of the various word problem types in Challenging Word Problems were never really accurately explained to my ds prior in the work that he does in the textbook, etc.


Thanks for taking the time!

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I have to say that I have learned so much teaching Singapore math, and I always did very well in math at school.


I'm sure that problem would have once had me scratching my head for a while, and now it seems obvious to me that you'd divide $2800 by 5 to get the answer, even without making a bar diagram (others have already drawn them for you :)). Love Singapore math!! Love the bar diagrams. :D Hang in there, it gets easier to figure them out once you get the hang of it!

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