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Help with a friend's blog trouble?

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Anyone know what might be causing this....


This is the blog in question


See how the brown flowery sorta stuff is *everywhere*?


It's not supposed to be. The center is supposed to be light coloured, so that you can...y'know... read the text ;)


She doesn't know what happened -- and on *her* end, it seems that it looks the same as always...just for us reading, it's all muddled up....


Here is my spare 'test' blog set up with the same theme --- see what I mean about the light coloured middle?


Now, I used "view page source" with firefox and compared some of my test page's code to her page's code --- and I don't see anything obvious...


...but I speak that code about as well as a fish can hum. I looked in a few specific spots to see if things looked the same, and they seem to...


...yet something has obviously gone awry. And I can't find it, prolly because I haven't a clue what I'm looking for!


Any ideas? :001_huh:

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It looks fine to me. Maybe you fixed it already?


Brown borders, yellowish background behind the easily readable words.


Wait, YOU can see it fine? this one??


if you can, this is even weirder than I thought. (It isn't just me who sees it messed up - other readers are commenting that they have the same difficulty, same messed up appearance)


Hey - are you using FF or IE?


Hmm. I tried viewing it in IE (I use FF) and it still looked the same, darker stuff taken right over.

Edited by fivetails
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Okay this is very odd.


Here is what I see - and some others...see how the light just *ends*? (and it's not that the page is still loading or anything, because it's very finished.)




I'd venture to guess the problem isn't with her blog then, if a lot of you are seeing it the way it's supposed to look... how strange! I wonder why it's muddled up for some and fine for others?:001_huh:

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Okay this is very odd.


Here is what I see - and some others...see how the light just *ends*? (and it's not that the page is still loading or anything, because it's very finished.)




I'd venture to guess the problem isn't with her blog then, if a lot of you are seeing it the way it's supposed to look... how strange! I wonder why it's muddled up for some and fine for others?:001_huh:


I use Firefox and see it the way you do...with the light color just ending abruptly and the words written on the dark brown...

Maybe it is just a FF thin after all...


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I'm using FireFox and it's messed up.


I cannot for the life of me explain why that happens.


While she is trying to get it figured out she might advise folks to read her though their Google Reader. It will look okay in that.


Sorry, I'm NO help.

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