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With a heart of gratitude as I reflect on this past year, I just wanted to say


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I am very thankful for each of you that have read my prayer requests and prayed or offered words of encouragement. It's been the toughest year of my life for sure, but my heart is full of gratitude for so many blessings this year. I am a changed person because of this cancer journey. For each of you who have been there to hold me and my family up to the Father, I am grateful. I know the journey isn't over, but it has been easier knowing that I could call on you all to pray. Please know that I appreciate you and am thankful you are part of my life. One of the greatest gifts through all this that I've learned is life is precious and each day is truly a gift!


I pray each of you has a blessed Thanksgiving with your family, making special memories and enjoying each other's company. We will be leaving in the morning to go to my sister's in SC. It will be good for us to get out of town for a while. Please pray for traveling mercies if you think of us. I don't look forward to being on the road during a holiday with all the traffic.


Love In Christ,



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