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I just logged on to read a thread I started last night and it's gone...

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I had the audacity to agree with you that atheism was merely another religion, and that its proponents were equally given to pointless arguments.


A moderately distressed atheist replied with a personal attack. I ignored that, because the attack was relatively mild, and certainly didn't distress me.


That was only about a half hour ago. As of then there was nothing to distress any but the most histrionic of ideologues.


If anything distressing was posted after that, I missed it. It was a great thread. I'm sorry it vanished. It's far from the first great thread to disappear.


When someone posts a series of remarks that offend me, I put that person on my ignore list for a while. This is because I know I don't have the right to silence other people's voices simply because they disagree with me. I can choose not to listen, but silencing any one's voice is unethical and I will not do it. As a person who values the free exchange of ideas, the disappearing threads trend strikes me as singularly unwholesome. It is bad for any community, and not something I can in good conscience support.


Good Bye and Blessings to All,


Elizabeth Conley

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Hi rookie,


I didn't participate in the thread, but as a pretty conservative Christian, I was enjoying the thread and was not offended by what you posted. I found it interesting and am disappointed that a few bad apples managed to spoil the barrel.


Not that you asked, but I just wanted to reassure you that you weren't offensive.

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