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How to boil water - no, really

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Yes, I cover it when I'm boiling something like potatoes or frozen veggie. Helps keep the heat in. That's my thinking anyway. I boil just water in a tea kettle that doesn't even have a lid! I fill through the spout.


Sounds like a good science experiment. Boiling with and without a lid. Do it several times starting with a cold pan of the same size and weight. Then you could try it with salt in the water and see if that boils faster!

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The cover helps to retain the heat and yes, it will boil faster.


didn't have time for a science experiment as other posters suggested! Just wanted to get some pasta cooked. I have always boiled my water without a lid on. With an electric cooktop it takes forever to get the water boiling. I do think this helped it along.

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Covering the pot raises the pressure within the pot, which is an important component (along with heat) of change of state, aka boiling. Especially at altitude, it is important.


Lovedtodeath said "Okay, here is how I boil water. Fill pot with water and place on burner set to high. Decide to peruse TWTM boards while waiting for the water to boil. Get engrossed in the boards and procrastinate. Allow water to boil until it is reduced to half."





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