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Runners, when do you need to start drinking sports drinks instead of water?

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I know that if I'm just doing a 1/2 hr. run I only need water, but at what time or distance marker does it become beneficial to drink a sports drink like Gatorade to replace minerals, etc.? I really don't care for sports drinks. I mostly drink water and unsweetened iced tea, so I'm not used to drinking sweet drinks very often, and it seems kind of gross to me to drink something sweet right after a workout. I usually eat an apple, orange, or banana right afterwards and drink water.

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I won't drink Gatorade or anything with the HFCS in it. I've only been running the longer runs for a couple months now. But, I've been drinking the EmergenC electrolyte enhanced formula after my runs over about 1 1/2 hours. I usually stop at 1 hour for a drink of water and Gu (yuck!) or a few bites of banana. When I come in at the end of my runs, I'll have the Emergen-C.



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Most of the electrolyte drinks really upset my stomach, so I don't drink them. There is a new one out that is kind of like an alkaseltzer tablet you put into the water when you want it, called nuun. It has a slight lemony taste but there is no sugar or HCFS in it. But you have to use it with at least 16 oz. water.


Currently I'm training for a half marathon (it is this sunday! woot!) and I start with a half of a Gu/ClifShot around mile 6 with a bit of water, which is at just under an hour at my pace. Then every 2 miles or so, a little bit of Gu/Clif Shot and a few sips of water.


This works for me, and everyone has a different body chemistry. My running partner does not like to take anything at all until after 90 mins. or running or so. That works for her. It would set me flat.


The best thing is to experiment. If it's a very hot day, and/or you're running for over an hour or so, you should definitely take something, whether it's gu/jelly beans/whatever and water, or electrolyte drinks. Some people take along those fast food packets of salt, and take that in small bits with water instead, so as not to take in too much sugar or upset the stomach.


Gatorade, Powerade, and those drinks are VERY high in sugar. They can also cause stomach cramping for a lot of people. If you use the powder form, you can adjust down the amount used, unlike if you buy the premade liquid.


You definitely want to find out what works before a race! Yuck on having to find every portapotty along the route...

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I drink the BEST natural drink there is out there after an hour of running - coconut water (natural sources are easiest on the tummy; coconut water has same composition as blood plasma; excellent replenishment of electrolytes). We had a guest speaker come to our running club who had a great handout for us that gave us options for refueling. You need a drink replacement AND food (gel, energy bar, banana, etc). I've got it on Word, so if you'd like it, PM me with your email addy and I'll send it to you.

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I second the coconut water! Not that I run marathons, but trying to establish breastfeeding during the hottest heatwave in years has to be an experience that counts ;) No artificial colours, flavours, added sugar. The canned stuff tastes alright, but nothing beats it fresh.



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