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Quick - how do I cook a whole chicken in a crock pot?

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I have a whole chicken. Not much else and I need it to cook in the crock pot tomorrow while we are gone all day. What do I throw into it for liquid? I've got chicken broth, water, oj, maybe some V8 and one beer. I've also got some onions and some garlic cloves.


I just got my crock pot back, so I haven't used it in over 2 years. And barely used it the two year before that (too hot in Texas). So it's been a really long time since I've crock potted! I'm really rusty. I don't remember ever cooking a whole chicken in it before either. I can do that right?


So what kind of liquid and how much do I need? Does it have to cover the chicken?

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I normally stuff the chicken cavity with the ends of carrots, onions, celery, garlic, herbs, whatever I have laying around. Salt & Pepper it. Place in crock pot and add 1/2 - 1 cup of water.


That is what my crock pot book called for. Works fine.


If you don't have anything to throw into the cavity of the chicken it will still be fine, but I like to save up my ends for stuff like that.

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Do you have any potatoes? We really like stuffing the cavity like Daisy said, shove some potatoes and carrots under and around it (what you can fit basically) sprinkle with salt, pepper and poultry seasoning and drizzle with wine. My husband said to tell you to drizzle with beer (about 1/4 cup). Turn on high and leave. Voila! One pot meal!:D

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I normally stuff the chicken cavity with the ends of carrots, onions, celery, garlic, herbs, whatever I have laying around. Salt & Pepper it. Place in crock pot and add 1/2 - 1 cup of water.


That is what my crock pot book called for. Works fine.


If you don't have anything to throw into the cavity of the chicken it will still be fine, but I like to save up my ends for stuff like that.


Yes this. I do it all of the time. You can wash the chicken, get it prepared as above (I only use an onion and salt pepper although the extras above sound fab) and place it in the crock pot and leave in frig til morning. Easy peasy to take out and plug in come morning.

Scarlett (who cooks chicken like this ALL THE TIME usually for cassaroles, chicken pot pie and tortilla soup...but plain chicken is fine too)

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Crockpots require less liquid because of the long cooking times. If you are cooking on low 1/2 cup is plenty. If you are cooking on high, you may want to bump it up to 1 cup.


More than that is not necessary. Although I suppose if you wanted to add more, to use as stock with something else, you could.

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Crockpots require less liquid because of the long cooking times. If you are cooking on low 1/2 cup is plenty. If you are cooking on high, you may want to bump it up to 1 cup.


More than that is not necessary. Although I suppose if you wanted to add more, to use as stock with something else, you could.


Excellent! Thanks, Daisy! I have been wanting to try this for awhile- now I can do it with confidence!:001_smile:

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I do this ALL THE TIME too--love it. It's like hoarding a secret weapon nobody knows about....


I rarely add any liquid to mine at all--there's plenty of juices in the chicken itself. Once I threw in a couple of lemons, which was lovely. I always add onions and garlic.


But my BIG "wow" secret is when I get home, I add some sort of glaze (usually from a jar or bottle, like bbq, sesame ginger, Italian dressing, whatever I have) and I put it in the oven at 350 for 30-45 minutes. Then the chicken turns out juicy and tender and fabulous on the inside (the whole thing is so moist it's falling apart), and golden and crunchy with "fancy" flavor on the outside.

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There was a lady who blogged about using her crockpot every day for an entire year. If you google A Year of Slow Cooking it should give you her blog. She had some really interesting uses for her slow cooker.


Yes I remember that!


I don't add liquid to mine unless I'm doing something specific that calls for it. It cooks fine with the joinces. Low for about 6 hours is always plenty. YMMV

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Tightly wad up balls of tin foil and put them in the bottom of the crockpot before putting the chicken in....that way as it releases all the grease your chicken won't sit it in all day and boil more than cook. Of course, we then use all that grease to make gravy, lol....so while you won't save calories necessarily, you also won't serve greasy chicken.

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