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Game/card/dice suggestions for kindergarten non reader? Stocking sized.

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I need some small game ideas for my 5 year old DD (non reader) that will fit into her stocking for Christmas. We already have Uno, Go Fish, and Phase 10 for Kids.


I saw someone mention Go Nuts in another thread. Is that small enough to fit into a stocking?


Other examples are LCR and Doodle Dice, both of which we do not have but I'm looking into.


Any other ideas?

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A cross between old maid and go fish. No reading needed. The only reason I can think of for the 'age 7 and up' is that it is hard for some younger ones to hold several cards in hand (we didn't, just put up screens for the little ones to keep their cards behind).

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My ds is the same age and he loves "Crazy Old Fish War." Yes, it is a combination of crazy eights, old maid, go fish and war. It took about 10 minutes for him to figure it out and he will play it for as long as anyone will play with him.


You can see it here




we bought ours at Target.


Another favorite is Pass the Pigs. I remembered this game from when I was little as Pig Mania!


You toss the little piggies like dice and add up your points based on how the pigs fall.




My ds will play any game for hours, but these are the ones that he can convince someone to play with him.



Amber in SJ

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Another favorite is Pass the Pigs. I remembered this game from when I was little as Pig Mania!


You toss the little piggies like dice and add up your points based on how the pigs fall.




My ds will play any game for hours, but these are the ones that he can convince someone to play with him.



Amber in SJ


I was going to suggest this also but wasn't sure where to purchase since ours was a gift. Fun, fun, fun! Soooieee!



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