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New to Homeschooling taking the plunge.


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I am new to homeschooling and recently decided to just take the leap and pull my first grader out of public school and enroll him into the Idaho virtual Academy K12. I hope I am doing the right thing because according to his teacher he is behind. He took his first State test the Idaho reading indicator a few months ago and tested at six month of Kindergarten level. I was shocked and so disappointed in the level of education he is receiving.


I need help finding a good Bible curricula for him and my other two kiddos. They 10 and 4. Also will I need to supplement the phonics program I have seen some mixed reviews.


Thanx for your help,


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Congratulations on your decision, it can be scary at first maybe even overwhelming, but well worth it.


My oldest is only 6, plus I have a 2 and 3 yr old. For my first grader we have been using the Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading, I have really liked it and so has my son (the important part). My son has been reading the Beginners Bible for reading and has been doing great with it. Some names are hard, but it has been good for him. I am using a lot of things from sonlight, which is also where I got the bible things I use. We are using the Sing the Word CD for memory verses and also Leading Little ones to God.

Hope this helps.




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Look around here. There is a ton of info.


For phonics there are so many programs. Ordinary Parents Guide is good. I found it in my library so yours may have it.


I use and like ABeCeDarian. It has helped my son a lot.


For Bible there are a lot of programs. Son Light and Heart of Dakota are two I can think off the top of my head.

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Welcome Cass! I am new to hs too. My advice? Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee and read, read, read these boards. Use "search" often!


There are plenty of Bible curricula out there. I don't use any, so I have no advice, but I am sure you'll get lots of ideas.


I have a first grader, who I afterschool. She uses a mixture of Turbo Reader (First Reader), Pollards Synthetic First Reader and Elizabeth B's phonics concentration game and ETC (Explode the Code).




Many like Phonics Pathways, but dd really prefers color, so we use Turbo Reader. She even colors her Pollard's pages when she is done reading them!


Have fun here!

Edited by lisabees
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If your IDVA uses K12, the phonics is excellent. In my opinion it's better than all the phonics programs I've used so far, which includes Ordinary Parents Guide, Spell to Write and Read, Explode the Code, and The Writing Road to Reading. I was apprehensive at first because of the "sight" words, but they did not cause my children to learn to read in a whole word sort of way.


I hope you enjoy having your dc home with you. He will catch up in no time. :D

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The K12 VA is very good, I don't think you will need to supplement the phonics program -- as it is VERY thorough and uses multiple approaches to teach phonics. Sight reading of some words is important -- simply because they don't follow any rules.


Also, I can't recommend the Leap Frog Phonics videos enough. They are a great supplement to any phonics program and the kiddos LOVE them. You can find them at WM, Costco and numerous other places for very reasonable prices.


On the off chance that the phonics program does not work, I would use the Ordinary Parent's Guide... or even Abeka (low cost alternatives).


For Bible (especially the younger ages), we read the Children's Story Bible and used the Veritas Press Bible Cards. I didn't have my children do a formal "Bible Study" until the 5th grade. Before that time we really read the stories and talk about the principles and lessons.

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My recommendations for Bible - Pre-school to Kindergarten read aloud from The Golden Children's Bible and ask questions, or prompt a response or discussion. For 1st grade I recommend the My Father's World Bible Reader. Have your child read 1 story aloud and give a verbal response, or engage in a discussion. For 2nd & 3rd grade I recommend the Day by Day Kid's Bible, the dc can read 1 section and respond verbally or write down his/her favorite verse in a spiral notebook or journal. For 4th & 5th grade my daughter will read 1 chapter in a NIV Children's Bible and copy down her favorite verse or verses in her best cursive handwriting. We just read from beginning to end until done.

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My son uses K12 and we love it. It is thorough and classical-like. The phonics is great. Your school may even have tutoring for phonics and reading as well.



I recommend having your son watch Between the Lions daily on PBS. It is also available on http://www.pbs.org and Discovery Education United Streaming from http://www.Homeschoolbuyersco-op.org also has it as well. I also recommend closed captioning be turned on your TV set as well.



Another thing to try is http://www.starfall.com

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I can't help you with phonics really, but for Bible study, we enjoy Bible Study Guide for all ages. There's a double sided worksheet/coloring page with each reading. The kids enjoy it. You can even buy a wall map with stickers that go on with the appropriate readings. Our goal is two sheets a week, but that doesn't often happen. :001_smile: Have fun - we're fairly new and I can't imagine going back. Last year I thought I couldn't/wouldn't go all the way through. This year as I watch what my junior and freshman are learning (and sometimes not learning), I think we'll see, maybe I can do this all the way, especially when I read the encouraging experiences of other homeschoolers on this forum.

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