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We just got back from Quick Care

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My son cut his foot open and I feel terrible about it. He needed 12 stiches. It was an accident but I still feel terrible. I recently put a stainless steel panel on our dishwasher and the edge was kind of sharp.Today my son somehow got his foot stuck under the door and cut his heel open. I totally freaked out (not good with emergencies involving blood) and rushed him to quickcare. We just got back,and he's fine but I feel like I could throw up. An inch higher and he could have cut his Achilles tendon.


I feel worse because when he started crying I didn't jump up to see what had happened. He cries over little things sometimes, and I just thought it was that again. I learned my lesson. I just wish we could protect them from everything.


Although he couldn't have been too scared because while we were there I asked him if there was anything that would make him feel better. He said,"Other than switching places with someone, the Wii!"

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:grouphug: Don't beat yourself up over it. My 7-yo son cries over little things, too - he literally crawled into the house the other day after falling off his scooter and doesn't even have a bruise to show for it - so I would be in the same boat if he cut his foot open. Your boy will be all right, and it sounds like he's got a good sense of humor over it all. More hugs your direction!

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I feel worse because when he started crying I didn't jump up to see what had happened. He cries over little things sometimes, and I just thought it was that again. I learned my lesson. I just wish we could protect them from everything.



Don't beat yourself up! When I was that age, I was running across the street to the park and I felt against the curb. There was a lot of blood, and it hurt, and I couldn't get back up. I was crying and screaming for my mom. However, since I was the type of child to easily over-react, mom just came to the door and said for me to come on home and she'd clean me up. I cried that I couldn't walk. She told me it would be OK, just get up and come home. Again, I cried that I couldn't. She finally got exasperated with me, and came across the street. When she saw the damage, she nearly passed out. She carried me home, and called my dad, who couldn't leave work. So she had to take me to the ER herself, where I got stitches both inside my knee area and outside. I had lost part of my kneecap.


Now, I tell you this because I don't remember it AT ALL. I only know the story because it's legendary in my family. Also, my mom likes to bring it up when I don't react to my own over-reacting children! ;)


But I have no actual memories of the entire thing, and I grew up to be a reasonably adjusted adult! Your son will be fine, too! Maybe some extra Wii time is in order, as long as he can do it while sitting down and resting his foot! :)

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I totally freaked out (not good with emergencies involving blood)


Don't feel bad about that. I had a teacher who's son hit his face on the side of the tub when he was a toddler. When she saw the blood, she ran... out of the house... leaving him there. She is terrified of blood and left her own baby bleeding in the bathroom. Freaking out is okay! Leaving your kid bleeding is not.

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I feel worse because when he started crying I didn't jump up to see what had happened. He cries over little things sometimes, and I just thought it was that again. I learned my lesson. I just wish we could protect them from everything.



:grouphug: I'd feel awful, too, but my 7 year old, who was Mr. Tough, has started over vocalizing every twinge or pain or scrape. I've gotten thicker skin.

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Thanks for all the kind replies. My son has spent the afternoon laying on the couch pressing my husband into buying the Wii. Actually, I have been acruing Amazon gift certificates and I should have enough shortly to buy it. I think he's cracking! I normally don't even like video games but we rented the Wii from Family Video awhile ago and it's so active. It would be limited, of course. But it seems very active.

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