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Algebra I or ?


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What is your opinion on math when approaching algebra? My dd is using R & S grade 8 this year. We pulled her out of PS October 2007. I would not call math her strongest or favorite subject. She can do it just fine but doesn't enjoy it. R & S doesn't have a math curriculum after grade 8. I was leading toward Teaching Textbooks Algebra I, but then I started thinking if Algebra is necessary? I never learned Algebra in school, I took business math in high school. I think she may enjoy something similar. I loved Accounting and personal finance courses. I have noticed personal finance courses listed as "electives". What is your opinion? I appreciate any advice.



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I don't have an answer for you, but I just wanted to say that if you have your daughter take the more traditional college prep route, then she will have more options. I have known people who taught themselves algebra before starting college, obtain an BS in engineering and then years later work on a PhD in math.


I just think it will be better to have more than you need than to find out later that you don't actually have the courses that are required.


But, word of warning, my oldest is only 9 and I don't have the whole college prep thing figured out yet outside of my own experiences.


Being over-prepared is just sort of my own mantra. I hope someone can really help you, and sorry for going on and on ... :)

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My oldest is in the last stages of deciding which college he wants to attend. All of the schools we looked at required 3 years of math in high school and required at least Algebra 1 and 2 and Geometry. I think you should at plan to teach her those three so that college is an option for her if she wants it.

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I would if she is college bound . And also it depends on what She is interested in . What would she like to do ? I know not all children know but for the most part you can get an idea . If she is interested in the medical field, wether human or animal , it helps to go as far as you possibly can in math for college . Also if she is interested in any of the sciences or technolgy I would imagine they would look for any higher level courses too.

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She really has no clue what she wants to do. I tell her she has plenty of time. We will probably go ahead and do Algebra I. I will probably have to go with the Teaching Textbooks as I have no idea how to do algebra. Teaching Textbooks has very good reviews, I just wish they weren't so expensive. Thanks for all the advice!

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