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HS Setup

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How are your rooms where you HS (or where all the materials are) set up? Do you have a designated bookshelf? If so- where did you buy it? What kind? I love to be organized, but have trouble figuring out how exactly things will work best for organization.


Any help?!?

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We had a designated space at one point and it didn't work for us! We school in the livingroom/dining room area of our house. We have several bookshelves--one that we use for current books, one for books we don't use a lot, one for just reading books. Each dc has a shelf on another shelving system for their personal textbooks, notebooks, and current reading/project books (this space gets a tad messy!) I have a 3-tiered basket system that I keep all my things on and both of these things are in the back hall between the dining room and kitchen area. It's a little crowded, but it's what works for us! I like to have them in the same area where I'm working.

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We have a HS room (was our front lr) the kids have their own desks where they keep their own things. We also have several bookshelves one has a designated shelf for each child's extra reading. Although we tend to do all our work sitting at the dr table. Oh all of my bookcases I found at yard sales and repainted them.

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I'm only schooling one now. We have a room, but we school all over--inside, outside (upside down...lol). I have a large, 4 shelf bookshelf. One shelf has things I'm not currently using but don't want to put away yet. Next comes our literature.

Next comes our actual curriculum books for this year--math, grammar, etc.

Lastly, we have a space for extra "stuf" like pattern blocks and stickers and things.

On the table, I have a wood box with drawers, from Ikea, where we stash colored pencils, sticky notes, crayons, fasteners (tape, gluesticks, etc.) and other stuff.

There's a pic on my blog, but you'll have to scroll to find it. If you click on the pics, they get full screen and you can see more detail.

Oh, and there's two art supply "bookshelves" (it's open shelving), also.

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Had a tall bookcase with each kid having one shelf for their notebooks, texts, etc. Another shelf was encyclopedia, another dictionaries, etc. and my notebook. All in the dining room, as that table was our school site. A second tall bookslef in the next room had chronological history books on a few shelves, and science book on two shelves. Yet other bookcases held literature.

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We have a 400 sq. ft. kitchen that is our everything room. The toys are against one wall and we school at the kitchen table. I have one book shelf by the table with homeschooling materials on it and a bucket with our everyday books in it. Reference books are spread throughout the house but mostly end up in the living room. My dh just leaned over and said, "Our house is our classroom." I guess that sums it up! I like how we have it organized now but if I could change anything, I would get an armoire of some type to house the science project gear and extra posters, etc. Right now, they live in the hall closet.

I dream sometimes of getting a school room!

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We use our bonus room for our learning room. We have a huge white board and round white table in the middle. Each dc has a desk where they keep their books. We have a table with our computer on it.


In that room, I only have two bookcases. I bought one small one at Staples that is front of my desk. I use the top for things like three hole punch and electric pencil sharpener. I have a heavy four shelf one that keeps our literature and other current books we are using.


Although we school all over the house, we like having stuff in one central place.

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