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S/O of "love/hate relationship with HST+" Let's share our checklist/planners


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I seem to have accidentally deleted my old word planner, and HST+ is really starting to feel like more hassle than it's worth. Especially since my kids are only in 5th, 2nd and pre-K.


I know some of you out there have some great planners you've made for word or excel and other programs.

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I've tried to make my own, and I stink at it :D -- I still keep coming back to Donna Young's website for planner pages. She has added some newer ones that are typeable. I like them! One is called, I think, "Daily Planning Page" and it comes in pink, blue, or green. The other is called "Homeschool Timer". Right now these are my two favorites. They both use the whole page for one day's planning.


Always a pain for me to find one that fits me exactly, so I have appreciated being able to customize these two.

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I used donna young pages to make a full planner this year. It's only taken me 6 years of homeschooling to figure out what I really need and what I will really use. :D


I printed the forms I needed for the year and used my pro-click binding machine to make my own spiral-bound binder.


I like many of her new forms in this set. http://donnayoung.org/forms/planners/colonial.htm

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Yeah. I loved HST+ for years.

Now I really can't stand it.

It's a ton of data entry work just to get a pretty format.

And the formats they now have are a pain to use so we don't.

I thought I'd use it for transcript making but that's a nightmare hassle.

It was easier to just make a template on my own.

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I've tried to make my own, and I stink at it :D -- I still keep coming back to Donna Young's website for planner pages. She has added some newer ones that are typeable. I like them! One is called, I think, "Daily Planning Page" and it comes in pink, blue, or green. The other is called "Homeschool Timer". Right now these are my two favorites. They both use the whole page for one day's planning.


Always a pain for me to find one that fits me exactly, so I have appreciated being able to customize these two.


Thanks. I love the colored ones, these are great!! Just wondering, do you print them for yourself or the give them to your dc? Mine are older and I like for them to have the list for independent work.

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I use Donna Young planner pages, too. This year I'm using the 2-column chart to plan with my dd grade 7 for the entire week by subject. Then she breaks up the assignments and transfers them to her daily plan sheet for the week, with my supervision. It's actually a weekly planner page with a big block of space and a list area at the top, and the days on the bottom half. The top space lets me add things mid-week that come up, and lets her keep track of miscellaneous things. This way, the daily page can be really flexible, but we have our weekly page as a base to work around, and even to use for catch-up on the weekend or the following week. It's a little like what I had to learn to do in university. Hopefully she will have a head start on this skill.

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Hmmm...I have no idea what hst is, but the planner I use is Tanglewood's Corebook. It is downloadable and only $5.25 (I think, definitely less than $6) and useable forever! Tanglewood is a mix of CM and Classical for curriculum, so the planner is similar, but I do believe there are completely blank templates too that you can just add your preferred subject headings to. I LOVE it so far!

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Just wondering, do you print them for yourself or the give them to your dc? Mine are older and I like for them to have the list for independent work.


For now, I'm using the DY planner pages for myself; I put a lot of detail for myself in there.

My purpose is really to be able to help myself get more of a grip on what I'm doing and where I'm going.

I have a deficit in executive functioning, so I give myself the help I need by writing everything down that I want to do and planning it all out.

So, really, it's for me. Writing it all down in an organized way helps me out. That's why I needed a planner that's customized to my needs.


Ds isn't that independent yet that I can give it to him and have him do the work. For him, I made an empty grid by using the "Insert Table" function on a Word doc. I can write on his page what he's going to do for the day, much more simplified than the one I use, and he can check it off after he's done.

I have incentives for when all the boxes are checked. Gotta do that still.:blush:

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I took the one on this thread and tweaked it to my kids.




I do not know how to link in a file from my computer, but I have boxes for Monday-Friday across the top, then I have these down the left column. I have the subject lines like the one in the above thread.

7th Grader 1st Grader

Bible Bible

Memory Memory

Literature Grammar

Writing Spelling

Grammar Reading

Vocab Narration/Copywork

Dictation Phonics

Extra Reading Vocab

Math Text Math Text

Quizzes/Tests/Games Tests/Games

History Reading History Reading

Outlining/Notebook Narration/Notebook

Activities Activities

Science Text Science Reading

Lab/Review/Quiz Activities

Music Music

Art Art

Logic Critical Thinking


Poetry Poetry

Other Other

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I'm not sure what HST is, but I just print my own planner pages. My friend and I came up with a template on legal sized paper. We bought legal sized binders and put the sheets in there. I have the subjects along the left hand column and 5 columns going across the span of two pages (portrait). I have two books as I put two children's work in each book. It has big boxes so lots of room to write. If anyone is interested in the template I could email it to you. I used to be a teacher in the public schools and was trying to replicate the plan book I had!

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