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Chore Chart?? Getting Paid?

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I really need help making a chore chart for my kids (4,2,1-well, mainly for the 4 year old). We really like the Dave Ramsey concept, "work=getting paid, no work=no pay (we will still make them do the chore though), so does anyone else pay for chores??? I definately agree they should things because they are apart of the family and we told them to, etc, but I also really want to teach them about money and working and saving, giving, and spending. Can anyone share their chore charts? I don't know why I am struggling with this, I really need some help!

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We have a list of chores that need to be done to get pocket money. We also ask the kids to do other chores as needed because they are part of the family. This way they learn that there is more than one motivating factor for doing things.


We expect them to buy presents for others with the money they earn. We also expect them to save money to buy things that they want that we won't buy for them.

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We keep trying a chore chart, but it's really a "chore" for me to keep up with it!;) The boys are expected to clean up their room before bed, throw dirty clothes down the chute, clear their dishes from the table, help set the table for dinner, and then some other chores like vacuuming and dusting on weekends (their room only, so far). If they do all their chores that week, they get two dollars and two 30 minute screen time tickets. If they haven't done everything, the amounts are reduced. They can earn extra TV tickets for extra chores, like helping me clean out the car, or carrying laundry upstairs, etc. Of course, things never go according to plan, so sometimes the chore chart goes out the window, and I'm screaming at them to clean up the pigsty they've created :D. Anyhoo,

we keep trying, and when we are more or less consistent, it works out well.


I made a daily chart with a spot to check off for each chore. There is a separate section for during the week and on the weekend. We usually mark them off before bedtime. Payments are made on Sundays and we wipe the chart clean and start afresh. I laminated the chart and use a dry-erase marker on it.

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We do that a little bit. Chores have to be done because we all live here and we can't expect Mom to do everything. At the end of the week, you get some money based on how much you did. I don't know if you can call that an allowance or not. In our house, if you don't work you don't get paid. I get the impression some kids get money every week regardless of having done anything to earn it, mine don't.


We had a chore chart when they were little. We don't anymore because they really aren't amused by such things anymore.

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I knew someone who assigned jobs to each of their daughters, and each job was worth a certain amount. If they didn't do the job, they didn't get the money for that, if they couldn't be bothered and got their sibling to do it, they had to pay her the assigned price. If they did none of their jobs, they still got a little money, but not much. I like that, because a piddly little amount of money is more motivating than none at all. If you have no money, you learn to do without. If you have some money, but too little for anything, you are motivated to make more.



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How much do you pay for each chore?


We keep trying a chore chart, but it's really a "chore" for me to keep up with it!;) The boys are expected to clean up their room before bed, throw dirty clothes down the chute, clear their dishes from the table, help set the table for dinner, and then some other chores like vacuuming and dusting on weekends (their room only, so far). If they do all their chores that week, they get two dollars and two 30 minute screen time tickets. If they haven't done everything, the amounts are reduced. They can earn extra TV tickets for extra chores, like helping me clean out the car, or carrying laundry upstairs, etc. Of course, things never go according to plan, so sometimes the chore chart goes out the window, and I'm screaming at them to clean up the pigsty they've created :D. Anyhoo,

we keep trying, and when we are more or less consistent, it works out well.


I made a daily chart with a spot to check off for each chore. There is a separate section for during the week and on the weekend. We usually mark them off before bedtime. Payments are made on Sundays and we wipe the chart clean and start afresh. I laminated the chart and use a dry-erase marker on it.

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I have struggled with this very things for a long time...I have a 9,7 and 5 year old. They don't really have "assigned jobs" becasue I can't stay on top of enforcing them...but they are asked to help with many things from time to time...nothing they do earns them money...we buy them what they need...and they have to wait for their wants until it's their birthday or CHristmas. I have sort of wamted to do the chore=pay thing...but can't come up with a successful way to do it...so I am watching this thread.



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I never got an allowance. We were poor. I didn't ever expect one. I don't so much like the idea of kids getting paid for basic helping. Dish setting and clearing, toy picking up...that sort of thing. That just seems like family participation. But I wouldn't be opposed to a list of extra chores that otherwise wouldn't get done (in my house :glare:) like window washing, car washing, weed pulling...that sort of thing, that carried with it a cash reward.

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The boys are expected to keep their rooms clean and to help with some general cleaning.


I do have a chart of extra chores they can do for money. I set it up so that various chores are worth various amounts, anywhere from $.25 to $1.00. Their other chores have to be done before the money chores. If they do a money chore, they put their colored sticky next to it. At the end of each day, our 7 year old records the amount in a little notebook and on Friday, he adds it up. Some weeks, the boys do very little and other weeks, they kick it into high gear.


On the chart, we also have a meal helper rotation and boys' bathroom clean up. The meal helper is responsible for being in the kitchen with me during prep, set the table and help with clean up. The bathroom kiddo just makes sure the counters are wiped cleaned and it is tidy.


It took a bit to set up our little system, but it has been working great for us.

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I'm not sure I'd want to pay my kids for doing chores. I expect them to do their chores because they are part of this family and household, and one person (aka mom) can not be doing it all on their own.


I do plan on giving them an allowance when they get old enough to really understand the value of money. I will give them an allowance to teach them about saving, giving and spending. I will not tie them directly to their chores, because I want them to help around the house whether they get paid or not.

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I totally agree that children should do chores becuase they are apart of the family, but I also want to instill in them that I am not going to give them money just because they are breathing. We really want them to "earn" it and have money to give, save and spend. I am just clueless on how to set up a chore system for that.


Can someone tell me the chores that your 4 year old does?

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But I wouldn't be opposed to a list of extra chores that otherwise wouldn't get done (in my house :glare:) like window washing, car washing, weed pulling...that sort of thing, that carried with it a cash reward.



Now, how do you figure out what each chore is worth?


Whenever I try to do something like this (assign extra chores for $$) dh sees what I'm doing--and then gives them even MORE money! I guess I need to have a talk with him. I'm not sure if he thinks he's helping, or I'm being too cheap. Either way, it seems a little undermining.


I have kids from 6 (yesterday!) to 15. I can really get a lot of things done here if I only made a list for each. I'm thinking of "extras" here though not so much the putting away of toys, helping with dishes and other daily things.


So what "extra" jobs can your kids do at what ages:


5-7 - clean cabinet doors, dust tables and low shelves...

8-10 - clean glass mirrors, doors...

11-13 - wash car, rake leaves,

14+ clean gutters, wax car...


Other ideas? Just add them in! :D


I have an idea to make a (publicly editable) spreadsheet and post it to google docs. I may not get to it until Monday though as dh has homework this weeked and will be taking over my computer. What do you all think? Am I overthinking it? (probably :tongue_smilie:)

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I don't think a 4 year old can do jobs that are worth paying for. You can't send her out to mow the lawn, paint the garage, and fix the roof. She can work along side you, and maybe do some very simple jobs by herself, but those things don't merit being paid. You don't want to end up with a child who expects to be rewarded for doing little things that everyone in a family needs to do. :)"You have been so helpful, Honey. Thank you." is really all that is called for.


My 4 year old doesn't have solid concepts of how much money is worth. She might think $2 is worth more than a $10 bill, because $2 is 2 things. She doesn't know if $2 can buy a balloon or a doll house.

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