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So, does TOG make Janice in NJ great, or does Janice make TOG great?

Robin in Tx

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I've been wondering about this...


Does TOG give someone the tools to teach the way Janice does? Or is Janice like this, thus she gets the most out of TOG (because it is perfect for someone like her)?


Just curious how someone who doesn't teach like that learns how to, if that's even possible. (I am actually pretty good in other subjects, but completely over my head in language arts... part of me wants to believe that TOG held Janice's hand through that process, but deep down I know that's not the case...)


What do you think?


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I think Janice is an awesome lady, and yes, she does bring a little something extra to the mix. However, that being said, I do believe TOG does arm homeschoolers with the tools to make them more effective teachers.


Reading Janice's posts about TOG inspired me (and even *forced* me, *grin*) to take a second look at a progam that left me overwhelmed after 1 1/2 years of using it. After using SL, and then WTM, I was ready for TOG again. I needed something to do the planning for me after spending so much time doing my own planning with WTM. I was ready to take hold of what TOG had to offer me.


I've been using it for several months now, and I can see what Janice was talking about. My dd is moving towards independent study. She is making connections between events in history, and she is seeking out information on her own when she can't answer her thinking/accountability questions. yay! I *love* how as we move forward, TOG has us periodically take a look back at how past events are shaping future events.


The time I spend in preparation for each week is time well spent. I know what our focus is, and I know what I want to get out of each week's study, because TOG equips me with the necessary information *before* we begin our week's study.


So, thank you, Janice, and thank you, TOG for making this a great history year. :001_smile:

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I do think that Janice is inspiring, and really pulls alot out of her kids when she teaches. Not everyone can do that - and clearly she had preplanning going on in her lesson. However, I have been using TOG for 5 years now, and we have had very rich discussions around our school table that went well beyond facts and into analysis and world view due to the teachers' notes and set up. So, it is an excellent curriculum and Janice hallmarks it with her talent and vision for what she wants her kids to learn.

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I do think that Janice is inspiring, and really pulls alot out of her kids when she teaches. Not everyone can do that - and clearly she had preplanning going on in her lesson. However, I have been using TOG for 5 years now, and we have had very rich discussions around our school table that went well beyond facts and into analysis and world view due to the teachers' notes and set up. So, it is an excellent curriculum and Janice hallmarks it with her talent and vision for what she wants her kids to learn.


O.k. I use TOG does Janice have a blog? I would love to be inspired by her too :001_smile:


lori in tx who needs some inspiring

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Yes, I was speaking more to the lit analysis... I realize the grammar came from R&S. Just curious about what led Janice to pick a particular sentence and lead her children through and to a certain conclusion/analysis about it. Does TOG bring that to Janice, or does Janice bring this to TOG (either on her own or through the use of other materials)?

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Yes, I was speaking more to the lit analysis... I realize the grammar came from R&S. Just curious about what led Janice to pick a particular sentence and lead her children through and to a certain conclusion/analysis about it. Does TOG bring that to Janice, or does Janice bring this to TOG (either on her own or through the use of other materials)?


Ahhhh, well TOG does have lit analysis, but I haven't watched her video, so I have no clue if it is TOG or just Janice or a combo.


I do read the TOG lit analysis for the Rhetoric levels and it is pretty cool! I also adore the philosophy skits.




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We didn't choose to read the Hobbit, so don't know what she brought to the table that was outside of TOG. However, the TOG Lit analysis for Rhetoric students is very meaty, and pulls out examples such as she did (I watched the first two clips). This assumes that Mom is reading the work along with the students so she can have the confidence to use the teacher's notes as a reference to her own thoughts and impressions on the work being analyzed. In other words, my guess is that Janice was well prepared! Kudos to her - especially at this time of the year when everyone is getting tired!



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