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What would you have said?

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This afternoon while I was waiting for my daughter to finish her play rehearsal, I indulged in a chair massage at Central Market. The chair is located in the cafe, behind a screen, but still in the cafe. Based on the location, I didn't have any expectation of quiet, I just wanted someone to work on my sore shoulder.


So, a mom was in there with her kids, and while I was getting the massage one of the kids started screaming. It was merely a blip on a the radar to me since I do have a two year old.:001_smile: A passerby commented to the masseuse that that was real relaxing. The masseuse responded, loudly, "Sometimes I really want to recommend contraception to people."


I don't know if I tensed up when he said it, but he backtracked pretty quickly and said, "I shouldn't have said that. Kids are great until they start throwing a tantrum."


I just said, "That goes for pretty much all humans as far as I can tell." I tried to blow it off, but I really didn't like that guy after that comment, and it ruined my massage.


In my mind I was thinking, "I wish someone had recommended contraception to your parents." Of course I never said it.

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I think I would have laughed and said something like, "The trouble is that the tantrums happen a wee bit after the point when contraception is useful," then maybe share a "war" story of an embarrassing meltdown of one of my toddlers in a store. I sort of like to disarm and reassure people anyway though when I know they think they've committed a faux pas...Simply because I so often put my own foot in my mouth.

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I actually was thinking that maybe he felt sorry for you and didn't want your relaxation to be ruined.... Sunny side up, right??



Yeah, I figured he was thinking, "There goes my tip." Many people would have agreed and commiserated, so miscalculation on his part.



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