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My Generation Dolls from Target

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Have any of you purchased one of these? Are they worth it? Are they nice? Just wondering if they would be a good Christmas gift. Thanks.


We bought one the Christmas before last. Dd was 5 and I didn't think ready for an American Girl historical doll (she did have a Bitty Baby). The doll itself is fine, but the hair is problematic :). Try as she might, she can't keep her hair nice. It tangles terribly! Last year dd was 7 and we felt old enough for AG's Josefina. She is able to keep her LONG hair very nice. It is just better quality hair. If you go with the My Generation dolls, I'd look for ones with shorter hair.


We have bought My Generation Clothes and accessories because they're so much more affordable than AG!

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We had hair issues too with the target doll, so after a year we got rid of it and this year we will an American girl doll. Have you looked into the bitty babies? They are a bit cheaper. There is free shipping with a code through the end of October. You can google american girl codes, sorry I don't remember the code I used.

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We don't own one ourselves, but my friend got one for her dd last year. She has said the same thing about the hair. I was really thinking of doing one of these this year, since dd5 does not seem ready for the AG dolls. However, this hair thing seems like quite the issue! Hmm...

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thanks for all of the advice on these dolls. I was looking for a more inexpensive alternative than AG for my 9 year old...so it sounds like Taget is NOT the way to go...I am going to look into these other ones though. Does anyone know, can I get doll clothes at Hobby Lobby or other places for her? Every other week we get a 40% off coupon in our paper, so if I start now, I might be able to make quite a nice collection of outfits for the doll before Christmas.

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