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Too much writing for high school??

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Okay, my Dh and I are having a difference of opinions here about how much writing our twins should be doing.


Here is what I planned out for them:


Composition: we are using Glencoe Writer's Choice Grammar and Composition text Grade 10. For composition there are 6 composition units are daily assignments for each section covered and then at end of the unit they would do a "Writing Process in Action" assignment related to the unit topic.


So in the course of the year I have them completing 6 composition units: Personal Writing (5 sections),

The Writing Process (11 sections),

Descriptive Writing (6 sections),

Narrative Writing (7 sections),

Expository Writing (10 sections),

Persuasive Writing (7 sections),


They would do about 2-3 sections a week (total of 46 sections covered in 15-20 weeks) and complete the composistion workbook assignments for each section as homework.

Then spend another 1-2 weeks for each unit of doing a "Literature Model Connection" and the "Writing Process in Action" assignment of 1-2 pages each.

So for both the daily sections and the literature model and writing assignment would take about 21 to 30 weeks based on how fast or slow they want to do this.


They also would cover another composition unit on Research Paper Writing done at end of the year on a topic of their choice (3-5 pg paper).


Then in World History they are using Duiker/Spielvogel World History to 1500 text. It is broken down into two units... Unit 1 is Prehistory to 500C.E. and has 5 chapters. Unit 2 is 500C.E. to 1500 and has 7 chapters. For each chapter they answer 5 short answer questions, write 1-2 page essay question, complete a 35 question on-line quiz.


For World Literature they are to read three books for each world history unit (following Great Books list). And they will complete one book report for each history unit. Total of 6 books to read with two book reports to write (about 3 pages each).


I was thinking of doing a unit exam for history but have changed my mind because I feel that they will get more out of writing about the history than memorizing information. I want them to learn to think critically, to ask questions, to go deeper than just memorizing facts that they will forget two weeks later.


So in all they would be writing:

6-12 pages + a 3-5 page research paper in composition in addition to the workbook exercises.

12-24 pages of history essays + the short answer questions that may come to a full page total for each chapter.

6 pages of book reports


Is this too much????? My Dh thinks I am asking too much and that he never had to write that much in high school. I remind him that he finished high school in the mid 80's.. times have changed and he didn't prepare for college...he just did what he had to do without any plans of going to college.

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So in all they would be writing:

6-12 pages + a 3-5 page research paper in composition in addition to the workbook exercises.

12-24 pages of history essays + the short answer questions that may come to a full page total for each chapter.

6 pages of book reports


Is this per day or per week or per month?


I'd say it was too much for a day or a week, heavy for a month and OK to light for a semester.

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Is this per day or per week or per month?


I'd say it was too much for a day or a week, heavy for a month and OK to light for a semester.


It is for the whole school year.


They are also currently doing algebra 2, health, Latin (for Ds), Italian (for Dd).


Light load for 1st semester. 2nd semester they will be adding two college classes (Ds taking a chemistry and a computer course. Dd taking two music courses. I was hoping to get some "newbie to homeschooling" kinks worked out before adding the college courses.

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It sounds a little light for all year, even with college classes--they usually don't meet every day and I've found CC classes leave plenty of time for homeschooling.

I did NOT have ds write enough, and I think it cost him his entry to his film program last year. He's going to try again this year.

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You might want to discuss this with your dh in terms of what will be expected after high school. I don't think your expectations are too high given the grade level, but if you're hs'ing with college prep as a goal you'll want to gradually increase expectations. IMO, it's good to begin the high school years with a focus on quality, but you'll be doing your dc a favor by increasing the quantity so that they won't be swamped once they get to college.

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