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Dyslexia ~ Should we have DD tested?

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DD 1st grade struggles on/off & off days are sometimes very off. She is a leftie, had an extremely hard time recalling colors (age 3/4 ) for an otherwise bright child, short term memory just off sometimes. Our library had Day to Day Dyslexia in the Classroom & she is textbook case in some of this.


However seems to be improving daily. Reading w/ I See Sam has done wonders!!! She wanted sooo desperately to read & it was such a struggle however just the past week she will sit down w/ her next book & read to herself. :001_smile:


Lastly numbers ~ for ex. Write the number after 24 her answer was 43 and 2 more like this.


We have an appt for a consult Nov. 3 however think about cancelling as she is improving daily. Part of me feels they can find something wrong/label every child if your look hard enough. Also I don’t want to give in-laws any fuel for their not to homeschool fire. But if there is anything I can do better or tools I should be using then I want to know!


Any advice support would be greatly appreciated!

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*If* it were my child, I would follow through on the appointment. Is this a private appointment? If so, it's up to *you* if / whether anyone outside of you, your husband, and your daughter know anything about it. You may or may not choose to discuss it with the grandparents, or bring up the results if you were ever to put her in school...


But for now? I think the worst that can come out of going to the appt is that you will think, "That was a waste of time." The potential "worst" outcome of *not* going is much worse, while the potential positives are far, far better...

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It couldn't hurt to have her tested, especially if it's private (sometimes when people use the public school, they are pressured to enroll their dc). My best recommendation for testing is Dr. Paul Cates. He uses nationally recognized tests, but he works almost exclusively with homeschoolers, and his evaluation includes not just test results but also recommendations for instructional materials and scheduling.

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Getting the testing done helped me tremendously with my dyslexic dd. I had a pretty good idea where her strengths and weaknesses were, but the testing showed this very clearly. I actually did the testing at the ps and didn't have any problems at all with them. I took her back again 3 years later and will continue to take her back every 3 years for retesting.


I recommend joining dyslexiasupport2 and HeartofReading on yahoogroups. Those are my two most informative loops about programs that are good for dyslexics. I posted my dd's scores after the testing and got program recommendations that actually worked.


Label aren't necessarily a bad thing. Your dd is going to start labeling herself soon (my dd did). Even though my dd was hsed, she knew that other kids much younger were reading and she wasn't. My dd also had an extremely difficult time with naming things (like colors, body parts, numbers, ...). That is a typical dyslexia issue.

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Several friends of mine who have been and/or are reading specialists have said that ongoing support is more important in their opinion than getting the label(s). The labels can get you started, but you need to figure out how to deal with the issues (not always an immediate thing) and keep on top of it. One older friend who does this on the side professionally for the homeschooling community has the parents pre-pay for nine sessions, one to analyze and then four weekly, then two months of twice a month to fine-tune. She's much less expensive than most and has really made a difference with everyone I know who has worked with her.

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If you have any worry that she might be dyslexic I highly recommend testing. It will give you an idea of her weaknesses and strengths. It will also open the door to accommadations such as recording for the blind & dyslexic, oral testing, more time on test and so on. No one but you, your Dh and your child needs to know the reslts.

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It helps to know what you're dealing with. And, as another poster said, support is crucial. I had my daughter tested at a Scottish Rite learning center. They helped me set up a plan, which included speech therapy. I am also very blessed to have one of my mom's friends, who is a teacher and works with kids who have reading issues, to help me figure out what the heck I'm doing from time to time.


Also, the testing could, depending on who is doing it, reinforce your decision to homeschool. The learning center's number one recommendation to me was to keep homeschooling. Based on what I was already doing with her, they felt she would be far better off at home.


I wish you the best!

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Thank you all for your support!!!:grouphug: We will go ahead w/ the consult & testing. I feel like we're ashamed of something by not telling in-laws, I know this is wrong (my feelings) but knim?


The consult & testing is at a Psychiatric & Behavioral Specialist Center ($35 co-pay per visit, not important but I thought I should let you all know) about an hour from here. I tried to find any info about them on-line however nothing.


When I asked the receptionist what to expect at the consult, she said he would discuss any problems, ask some questions & set her up for testing, about 45mins. I did voice a concern that I didn't feel DD should hear all of this, as of right now she truly doen't understand there may be something wrong. Receptionist would make a note of this.


If after the consult I don't feel right, we'll look elsewhere for testing.


Thank you sooo much again!!!

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