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TOG Question


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Is there a difference between the TOG DE version and the redesign print version? I'm specifically looking at year 1. I have downloaded all the samples and love using the DE sample, but the price is just to high for something I will only use one year and then have to throw away. I think I would be much better off financially to be able to buy used and/or be able to resell. However, I don't want to miss out on anything.


Thanks all you Tapestry gurus!

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However, it is going to give me the ability to do in-depth history and literature with them, which is something I would otherwise struggle to do.


Also, it includes a lot of things that I would otherwise need to purchase separately. History, literature, worldview, fine arts, activities, geography... Those are all included. How much would it cost you to buy them all separately? Yes, I'm sure it could be done cheaper, but the convenience is also worth something.


In the end, though, only you can decide if it's worth it. I wasn't sure last year, so I bought one unit and we did it. I decided it is worth it.

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When you purchase DE, you keep it forever. It is not a "good for only year" purchase.


I realize this, but I am only going to have time to make it through one cycle.


I have decided that the investment in TOG is worth it. I was just trying to figure out if I would get the same thing purchasing the printed version since I would be finished with each year plan after only one year. It does have a high resale value after all.

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I have decided that the investment in TOG is worth it. I was just trying to figure out if I would get the same thing purchasing the printed version since I would be finished with each year plan after only one year. It does have a high resale value after all.


I don't like flipping through all the pages of the printed to find something. The digital edition is so convenient. If you have the extra money, I would recommend at least trying a unit of the digital edition. And, as of right now, Year 4 Redesign will only be available in DE. There are no plans for a printed version.


It's all just personal preference. You just need to decide which you would like better.

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I really think, like Rhonda says, it comes down to personal preference.


This year, I'm using a print redesigned Year 2 version - which was great by me (since it was free - on loan from a friend).


And then I got a laptop.


I can't tell you How. Many. Times. I've wished I had DE. But I'm not going to spend the $$ for it, even though I'll cycle around another 2 times.


But before I got a laptop? Print was easier.


It all depends!

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Ok, I admit it, I'm a laptop junkie. Mine is rarely off my lap. I know I'd love DE. I'm just struggling with the price since it is a one year purchase for me. I want to make sure I wouldn't be missing anything if I buy the print version.


It sounds like the only thing I'd be missing is the convenience of DE. I just have to decide what price tag I'm willing to put on that.

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Basically, there isn't much difference between the DE and the Redesigned print copy...there are only two that I can think of:


1) the DE is searchable...you just type the item/topic into the search bar and it will show you everywhere that topic appears. (vs thumbing through pages in the print copy)


2) the DE is upgradeable...as books go out of print, the booklist, assignment charts and worksheets get automatically updated. (vs. checking the Loom Disk for updates OR trying to find the OOP book)


That being said, unless you can find the Redesigned print copy used, they are NO LONGER AVAILABLE through Lampstand Press...unless you buy the DE and pay extra for the printing service.

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I'm not quite sure that's all you'll be missing. If you will use Year 1 this year only then probably that's true, but I'm wondering if Year 1 literature will be updated. It was written before Christy Somerville was given the reins of rhetoric literature and therefore doesn't follow the same format/style as the other years, there are no Framesworks or Poetics documents for instance (if you've never used TOG for rhetoric lit those won't mean anything to you.) I've asked Christy and she said Year 1 is fine as is (true enough) and she hasn't given any thought to updating Year 1 lit, but I still wonder.


Ok, I admit it, I'm a laptop junkie. Mine is rarely off my lap. I know I'd love DE. I'm just struggling with the price since it is a one year purchase for me. I want to make sure I wouldn't be missing anything if I buy the print version.


It sounds like the only thing I'd be missing is the convenience of DE. I just have to decide what price tag I'm willing to put on that.

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I realize this, but I am only going to have time to make it through one cycle.


Honestly, knowing I was only going to go through once, I would buy the print version used so I could resell it. I believe you can buy updated pages for changes that are made, but I'm not sure since this is our first year. We will be going through it twice, so I went with the DE version, and I do LOVE having everything on my laptop and only printing what I need. I have been getting alot of curriculum in digital versions, but sometimes it bothers me that I can't resell it.

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I like to sit somewhere, away from the computer, and touch the paper, flip back and forth.


I don't like the idea of losing access if I have computer problems.


I don't like not being able to resell.


I have not really needed upgrades in my 3 years of TOG. I have bought used and done very well without opening up the Loom (I realize that will change when we hit Rhetoric).


I like having it all out in front of me so I can evaluate when using multi-level resources for one child.


Me, I'm a print kinda girl. The DE would drive me nuts. I bought Evaluations DE and while it's usable, it really does annoy me that I have to sit and click, click, click for everything and not be able to save to my computer at all.


Just my 2 cents. YMMV.

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