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Does anyone have the angora or cashmere socks that are so prevalent now?

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I always see cute socks that are angora or cashmere. They are so soft and look cozy but I can't imagine hand washing my socks....:confused: :lol:


Do people actually hand wash their socks or do they just toss them in with the wash and hope for the best?

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Are you ready for some more wierdness?



Are cashmere and angora similar to wool?

Well wool is naturally anti-bacterial.

So long as there are not wierd dyes involved then you don't need to wash them too often if they have same properties that is. Smells don't stay in wool like they do with other substances.


Too wierd?

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I have cashmere socks. I do wash them in the washer. They're "superwash", so they have been treated with something to prevent felting. As others have said, they can just generally be aired - like any wool sock - between wearings, just like wool sweaters. Even wool soakers worn over cloth diapers are aired between wearings. I only washed them (by hand, so I could add more lanolin) weekly when the boys were wee.


All other non-superwash wool gets washed in the washer on cold, but air dried. We have a front loader, though, and since felting is caused by friction and temperature changes so I feel pretty safe, even with cashmere sweaters.

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angora is wool from angora goats.


No, actually mohair is from angora goats.


Angora wool is from angora rabbits.


Confusing, since the animals are both angora - but the wool has different names.


Cashmere comes from cashmere goats - at least that makes sense! :tongue_smilie:


ETA: What rock have I been hiding under that I have no idea that people are suddenly wearing angora and cashmere socks?? BTW - both wools are very soft - whenever I've gotten socks even mixed with angora they've gotten holes from wear very quickly. Never tried cashmere.

Edited by matroyshka
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