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My next exam for my school is a research project. I need participants. Help?

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I am using a directional hypothesis that I believe a negative correlation exists if a homeschool parent begins the homeschool with a "centering", "focus" activity such as a devotional, meditation, inspirational reading before academics starts and the number of times the students needs to be refocused to schoolwork will decrease. (negative correlation means if one thing increases, another decreases)


What I need is a "significant" number of participants (35+).


All I need from willing moms is:


A commitment to participate for the next week, M - Th.


2 days where you do not start the day with a group centering activity


2 days when you do start the day with a centering activity


a sample representation of the activity (a written summary of the prayer, the devotion, the paragraph)


the mom to make a note of every time she says a refocus command such as "back to work", saying the child's name to refocus them, or any refocus command specific to your school


basic demographics of your school - age and gender of your students


get the results to me on Thursday or Friday


I do not need personal info. :001_smile:


Results would look something like:


2 days, no starting activity - 12 refocus reminders

2 days, starting activity - 8 refocus reminders

students: 8 year old boy, 9 year old girl, 12 year old girl

Summary of centering activity: Dear Lord, we thank you for gathering us together in family and as a homeschool. Help me as a teacher and mom to have patience, your inspiritation as teacher. Help my students focus on their school work, seekinig you for their strength. We thank you for the blessings in our lives and pray for those around us hurting. Amen.

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Ok, my Professor changed the due date. It is due Nov. 7, so I can use data from Monday, October 26 thru Wednesday, Nov. 4. That would be 4 days of no centering activity, 4 days with.


I'll take Thurs and Friday to analyze the data and write my research report.


Yes, I am in class at the moment.

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I hypothesise that the run would actually focus the children as opposed to the other focus activities :) Will you differentiate between the prayer type and the exercise type?

Either way, I'll do it for you. It will give me an excuse to make my children run "but kids, it's for the RESEARCH!"


Although in that period we are having Friday, Monday and Tuesday off for a long weekend, so perhaps I'm not much use.

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I'd like to participate, but my kids start at different times and if I did a centering activity it would be "new" which might add unwanted novelty into your study.


Do you still want us?


Yes, just count the number of "refocus" efforts total for your family on both the days you do a centering activity and the days you don't.

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