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Can't decide re: Martin Luther

Guest 4boys

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I am looking for a picture book or read-aloud about Martin Luther for next year. My boys will be 8 and 6. I've been searching and searching and still can't decide what to get. I think I've narrowed it down to Paul Maier's book or Thunderstorm in Church by Louise Vernon but I am definitely open to other possibilities. A Book in Time suggests one by May Youge McNeer but I can't find it anywhere aside from used on Amazon and it doesn't give me a good look at it or a review.


It is so hard to tell from the back cover or a few lines in a sample page of a book what kind of POV the books are written from. I would prefer a biblically sound evaluation of what Luther did and stood for, or just the facts of what happened or what he did.


Are any of these books what I am looking for? Are there any other suggestions? Thanks for any help or experience! This board is always my number one research site!

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We just did Martin Luther this week and we read the Maier book. My 9yo got a lot out of it and I was happy with it. I'm no expert on Martin Luther though so it could be someone else might have a different viewpoint. But from my perspective, it fit the bill very well.

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I have the one by May McNeer and Lynd Ward. It is a fine story and decently written (though I am not an expert on Martin Luther) but definitely for older kids and I am not a huge fan of the illustrations - especially the one on page 75 of Lucifer. The pictures are not like the one on the cover - they aren't particularly well drawn and are a little dark and creepy.

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We just did Martin Luther this week and we read the Maier book. My 9yo got a lot out of it and I was happy with it. I'm no expert on Martin Luther though so it could be someone else might have a different viewpoint. But from my perspective, it fit the bill very well.


Yes, and my library ordered it on my request. :party:

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