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How do you end phone conversations?

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Lets say you are on the phone already and you are ready to get off. How do you do that?


I find that I am saying, "Okay, well, I'll talk to you soon" out of habit or something, even to people that I'm actually not necessarily going to talk to again soon.


How do you say, "I want to get off now" without actually saying that, assuming that you are having a friendly conversation with a social acquaintance rather than a business call or a telemarketer or someone you are willing to be short with? Just for example, today I was on the phone twice with neighbors. One called to ask after my son's health. The other I called to offer a ride to a party tonight, but I got her husband. In both cases, after a brief chat, I found myself saying, "Okay, well, I will talk to you soon," but in one case, the chances of that are not good. I have this with family members too. Maybe I am ready to get off before they are? I don't want to make up a fake excuse, "Oh, sorry, someone at the door."

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I usually have to go because my children...


a - are starving

b - have gone crazy

c - are fighting

d - need something from me


so, I just tell whichever one applies.


Also, one of my friends always happens to call when we're in the middle of school, so I just have to tell her that we were still working and I need to get back to it.


I've got one friend who would talk forever if I didn't eventually have to interrupt her and tell her that I needed to use the restroom. :blush:

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I find the easiest way for me to do this if I'm on a friendly call is to suggest we get together sometime. For example "Well I'm so glad you called, it was nice to catch up--maybe we could get lunch on Friday?" etc., that way whonce you make the plans, it seems sort of over, and you can end it with "Ok well I'll see you then!"

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I always say, "Well, I better get going. I need to do such and such, or the kids are waiting for me so we can such and such, or we are getting ready to leave....." I used to have a hard time being forceful but then decided that it was rude for people to ignore me when I truly had to go, so now I do what I have to do.


If you're not planning on talking to them again you can say, "Well, it was good talking to you!"


Love the dad's response..... why not say, "Well I don't want to talk anymore. Goodbye." and hang up. :lol:

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I restate the main points of the phone call and then wish them a nice day. For example...


"So you do x and I'm going to take care of y. Great. Hope you have a wonderful day. Bye."


I am NOT a big talker on the phone so most people get the clue. If you continue past my summary expect dead air because I'm wondering why you aren't saying, "Goodbye". :lol:

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