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Anyone know the incubation period for H1N1?

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Well, we just spent 3 days with a friend who started a fever on Tuesday, and now has confirmed H1N1.


We were with him a lot -- in the same room, same car, wrestling, eating, playing cards, cooking, he was coughing some....


Sooo...how long is the incubation period for this flu? I'm thinking about our weekend plans...


Thanks for any info...

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Well, we just spent 3 days with a friend who started a fever on Tuesday, and now has confirmed H1N1.


We were with him a lot -- in the same room, same car, wrestling, eating, playing cards, cooking, he was coughing some....


Sooo...how long is the incubation period for this flu? I'm thinking about our weekend plans...


Thanks for any info...


In our case, it was lightening fast. The span between the first and last infected in our house was 48 hours. And the first infected brought it home from school, so I'm certain they all caught it from one another.



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In our case, it was lightening fast. The span between the first and last infected in our house was 48 hours. And the first infected brought it home from school, so I'm certain they all caught it from one another.




Can I ask how it presented in your family? Mild, moderate, severe? How long did it last?


I hear different stories.



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Can I ask how it presented in your family? Mild, moderate, severe? How long did it last?


I hear different stories.




On Friday the 13yo stayed home from school because she was sleepy and out of sorts. By midday she was running a low-grade fever and had developed reddish eyes and a cough. The next day she was running 103.5 and shivering and hacking. We realized after the fact that she had actually begun getting sick on Wednesday feeling spacey, nauseous, and head-achy. Each of the kids presented the same way. First nausea and a bad headache for a day or two with no fever, then fever between 101-103, backache and headache, cough and exhaustion (and red, swollen eyes) for about two days, and then back to low-grade fever and needing more sleep than usual but not much else. Keira and I had all the symptoms but the cough. We both had the stomach thing with fever and exhaustion, but no respiratory symptoms. The whole illness seems like it will last a week or 10 days, but the acute phase was really only about 48 hours. The 13yo could probably return to school tomorrow, but we'll probably keep her out the rest of the week to be on the safe side.


My husband works at a hospital and he's hearing stories of people getting sick, then coming out of it, then suddenly rebounding and getting even sicker. I remember one of the moms on the board telling a story like that a few days ago.



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I'm wondering if we have it here, too...our 11dd got a sore throat, then low-grade fever, then sneezing a ton, coughing, and general yuckiness. The next day the 10dd did the same thing, and then 16dd, and now me. Instead of terrible flu-like feelings, we all feel tired and run down. I thought it was a cold, but it has been hanging around 7 days now. :tongue_smilie:

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On Friday the 13yo stayed home from school because she was sleepy and out of sorts. By midday she was running a low-grade fever and had developed reddish eyes and a cough. The next day she was running 103.5 and shivering and hacking. We realized after the fact that she had actually begun getting sick on Wednesday feeling spacey, nauseous, and head-achy. Each of the kids presented the same way. First nausea and a bad headache for a day or two with no fever, then fever between 101-103, backache and headache, cough and exhaustion (and red, swollen eyes) for about two days, and then back to low-grade fever and needing more sleep than usual but not much else. Keira and I had all the symptoms but the cough. We both had the stomach thing with fever and exhaustion, but no respiratory symptoms. The whole illness seems like it will last a week or 10 days, but the acute phase was really only about 48 hours. The 13yo could probably return to school tomorrow, but we'll probably keep her out the rest of the week to be on the safe side.


My husband works at a hospital and he's hearing stories of people getting sick, then coming out of it, then suddenly rebounding and getting even sicker. I remember one of the moms on the board telling a story like that a few days ago.




Barb, you are the first person I've noticed that mentioned the reddish eyes.


My son's eyes were red & bloodshot like I'd never seen in my life!


He looked in the mirror and came out of the bathroom & said he looked like someone from I am Legend.

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Barb, you are the first person I've noticed that mentioned the reddish eyes.


My son's eyes were red & bloodshot like I'd never seen in my life!


He looked in the mirror and came out of the bathroom & said he looked like someone from I am Legend.


My daughter had red eyes around 5 days in. I figured that it was just because she had worn her contacts in so many days.


I read that incubation is 2 to 7 days. She tested positive last Thursday. Nobody else got big sick. Just a little quick fever here or there. A few coughs here or there. My teenage son is knocked out exhausted (what else is new.) So I am thinking that we are just working on our immunity and winning, for now.

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My husband works at a hospital and he's hearing stories of people getting sick, then coming out of it, then suddenly rebounding and getting even sicker. I remember one of the moms on the board telling a story like that a few days ago.




My college student went to the ER last Thursday for flu. She improved greatly with the Tamiflu and then went back downhill when it was finished. She was back at the ER yesterday with severe dizziness (could barely walk) and they said it was a secondary infection so they are treating that.


My other daughter who tested positive on the same day thought that she had a sinus infection starting when she finished the Tamiflu as well. She worked through it with the Neti pot and she feels like she got rid of it.

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My daughter had red eyes around 5 days in. I figured that it was just because she had worn her contacts in so many days.


I read that incubation is 2 to 7 days. She tested positive last Thursday. Nobody else got big sick. Just a little quick fever here or there. A few coughs here or there. My teenage son is knocked out exhausted (what else is new.) So I am thinking that we are just working on our immunity and winning, for now.


My ped. wouldn't test my ds b/c he wasn't sick enough. (I didn't ask for the test, this is just what the doc said.) HOWEVER, it was day 4 of the worst part of the illness and he was on the mend. On Day 1, the nurse told me don't bring him in, just treat the symptoms. By day 4, the nurse wanted him in to check for pneumonia.

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Barb, you are the first person I've noticed that mentioned the reddish eyes.


My son's eyes were red & bloodshot like I'd never seen in my life!


He looked in the mirror and came out of the bathroom & said he looked like someone from I am Legend.


A boy from our church was confirmed with H1N1 this week. When I talked to his mother, she said his eyes were very swollen and looked awful. He was running a fever pushing 104.

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Just bumping this up. I got a PM from Jo about the thread and I realized that I never came back to read the responses. Emily, the 13yo who started getting sick on Wednesday the 14th is better and will return to school on Monday. She is still more tired than usual and napping when she can, but otherwise completely on the mend. Jenna is a couple of days behind and although her fever is gone, she still has a cough and is sleeping a lot. The others sound terrible and are running low-grade fevers but seem to feel okay. Poor Keira finally succumbed to the respiratory symptoms about 3 or 4 days ago. She has been running high fevers and crouping the past few nights :ack2: I really, really hate dealing with croup...it's so scary.


So anyway, from initial infection to recovery seemed to be about 10 days.




ETA: Oh, and regarding the red eyes...if I remember correctly they got them right before developing the bad cough. That was how I knew which kid was next. I got them too, although I never developed the cough.

Edited by Barb F. PA in AZ
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My kids had red eyes too! I could tell when their fever was really high because their eyes would get really bloodshot! I don't technically know if we had H1N1 because the dr didn't test but he said he thought it probably was. One son had a fever for 3 days, but only as high as 101. However, he had terrible congestion and cough. My 14 yo had a high fever for 4.5 days usually up at 102.8. He just slept most of the time. He's also got the terrible cough. They both complained of very sore throats about the 3rd day. My two other kids (at home) never got fevers but did get the cold symptoms of congestion, sore throat and cough. Only the child with the 101 fever complained of aches and pains. They did at times feel nauseated and hardly ate at all. They had no appetites at all. Now we are finally fever free but still hacking away.

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For us I think it was only 4-5 days, though it may have been up to 7. We were visiting my BIL and the last day we were there he started getting sick. We all started getting sick about 4 days after we got home. I guess we could have been exposed to the germs a few days before that in his house.


Anyway, he got tested and tested positive for H1N1 around the same time we all started getting sick. No one was sick enough for me to feel we needed to go to the doctor. My 2 year old was vomiting, hubby and I had diarrhea, and we all had low grade fevers (101-102) and were really tired. The infant was still breastfeeding and never got sick. We all recovered in a few days though without it ever being too terrible. Of course we had been to the beach while we were in SC, and it was early summer, so we probably had pretty high vit. D levels. That combined with a good diet may have made our immune systems pretty well able to fight it off.

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