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I am overwhelmed!

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Fortunately, it is just small stuff--but lots ot it.


I found out Wednesday that my father has cancer in a lymph node--but it is not in the bones as we had feared. They want to do a needle byopsy(sp), but it may be too near some blood vessels and may require surgery instead.


My brother, who just got married this week, has to go in for an MRI. They suspect a tumor in his ear, which would explain the vertigo.


My son's computer has a crashed hard drive. It's about fixed but he cannot get it to conect to the internet and HP will not talk to him, but he can do live chat for free. (He does not have the money to pay for the phone consult.) Did I mention that he cannot connect to the internet. This would not be a problem but he is taking distance classes for his masters and needs to view the lectures (on line, of course).


My daughter is having to sign up for next semester's classes and called me last night to cry that it is getting too hard and she just can't do it. (She does this every semester, but I don't need this right now.)


My husband just found out he did not get the position at work he interviewed for and so badly wanted. He also needs to study for his midterm for his doctorate class. But the drama with son's computer is taking much of his spare time.


My 16yo is scheduled for wisdom teeth removal next week and has a sore throat and nausous stomach this morning. It is probably just allergies since hers are severe and she does take shots for them, but the wind is high today and we went to the state fair yesterday (with wind there) to celebrate her PSAT being done. She has no fever, so I'm praying this is nothing worse.


So all the little things are adding up and I'm venting here, so I can smile and do school with 9yo.



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