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Yearly appointment with doctor (for meds) now turns into a 9 month appt....

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My goodness.....doctors just can't get enough money....can they, LOL. First they said I had to be seen once a year in order to get my migraine meds. Ok....I can see that. NOW....it has turned into every 9 months. Not to mention I had every test possible in January.....


They sent me a letter stating "It is time for your 9 month follow up."......yea right....sure it is.



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yeah. not much sympathy here.:)


My dh has to go in every 3 months for his type 1 diabetic meds/equipment.


At least with yours there is some chance that you will not need the meds anymore some day. ( I hope for your sake!;))


It's not like my dh is ever going to go into the endo and find out he doesn't need insulin.


And yeah, he's had this for 30+ years so we aren't interested in any blarney about how one day there will be a cure either. Yeah right. Like any pharmacutical company is going to cure that cash cow.:glare:

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We had a pediatric dentist in Bangkok who insisted that the boys come in for check ups every four months. Boys with no fillings, no issues, no cleaning problems. Leaving aside that we were a plane-ride away and couldn't possibly come every four months, it just seemed like a great way to make money.


We went back to our old dentist in Hong Kong who called us in twice a year. The boys still have perfect teeth.



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