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Classical Conversations ???


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Would someone be willing to explain Classical Conversations to me? I'm still a bit under the weather and I think that I'm just not getting it... pathetic, I know. I think CC may be something that we'd be interested in doing in the future and I'm trying to wrap my head around it, but it is all a little foggy to me right now. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that CC is an online resource/community for Classical Christian homeschoolers that provides online courses and/or materials which can be used by individuals at home or in a group/co-op setting.


For those of you who do CC when there isn't a group in your area, do create your own group/community or just do the online courses at home?


When did you start using CC? What age/grade were your dc?


Is it worth the cost?


Please enlighten me with any info you can share. TIA!



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Would someone be willing to explain Classical Conversations to me? I'm still a bit under the weather and I think that I'm just not getting it... pathetic, I know. I think CC may be something that we'd be interested in doing in the future and I'm trying to wrap my head around it, but it is all a little foggy to me right now. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that CC is an online resource/community for Classical Christian homeschoolers that provides online courses and/or materials which can be used by individuals at home or in a group/co-op setting.


The very best place to get information about CC is from the CC website. However, I will try to answer your questions.


CC is comprised of local communities that get together once per week. There are three components - Foundations (for ages 4 through 6th grade), Essentials (for grades 3-6 in the afternoon after Foundations) and Challenge (7th-12th grade). Foundations covers memory work in specific areas (math, English grammar, science, geography, history, historical timeline, Latin) as well as a fine arts time and a time for science experiments. Additionally, a short presentation time is allowed for each student to practice public speaking.


CC follows a three year cycle and with the idea that students will repeat the cycles several times. You can get more information on what is covered in each cycle from the CC website.


Essentials is another class that focuses on grammar, writing using IEW, and math games.


At the Foundations level you can either make CC your entire curriculum (with the addition of math and spelling programs or make CC an enrichment time. We used CC as an enrichment class last year, but this year our entire schooling is focused on CC and digging in deeper to the various things we are learning during Cycle 1.


There is an online component to CC, but I would consider it more of a supplement and not really a specific type of online set of courses.


For those of you who do CC when there isn't a group in your area, do create your own group/community or just do the online courses at home?


You can either do it at home on your own or form (through CC) a community in your area. It is also my understanding that you can use the CC materials in a co-op setting as long as you do not charge for the co-op.


When did you start using CC? What age/grade were your dc?


We started when my girls were in 2nd grade (7 years old). However, I wish we would have started when they were 4 years old.


Is it worth the cost?


Yes, absolutely. I find the cost +/-$400 per year to be much cheaper than our other local co-ops or enrichment programs.

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Wow, thank you for taking the time answer my questions!


I think that I'd be interested in the enrichment aspect of CC. Do you happen to know any particulars in that area of the program? How does the enrichment class differ from the online supplemental course? Can either of these be done at home?


Thanks again! :001_smile:

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I don't know of a specific online course. There is a web based aspect of CC, but it is more of a supplement for those doing CC in a community or those implementing CC at home without the help of a trained tutor.


Does this make sense? The online portion of CC won't do you much good without having purchased the CC Foundations guidebook.


When I mentioned that we did CC as enrichment, I meant that we still participated in a local community, but did our own things at home in addition to learning our CC memory work. This year, I am using CC as my "spine" and adding items to supplement what we are learning in CC. Does this make sense? I am hoping I am explaining things well.


Let me know if I didn't answer your questions. Also, I highly encourage you to call CC. They are very very helpful and can probably answer your questions better than I can!

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I started our group in Oregon. Now is the perfect time to call about a group in your area. What state are you in?

If you did it yourself, I'd recommend purchasing the Starter package, (about $150), the supplementals (under $100) the CC music for the grammar work ($30) and the memory work resource cd... which is almost what the C3 community is....


There is a public free side to the community, although not many post there...



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You've been very helpful, thank you! I'm bummed that there isn't a community anywhere in my area. Perhaps I'll call CC and inquire about forming a group in the future.


Has anyone else initiated forming a CC community in their area?




I started a group in our community last year. You can contact CC, and they will put you in touch with the person who oversees your state. They will be able to possibly hook you up with other people in your area who have also expressed interest.

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a new cc community started in our area this year, we joined- and I ended up being a tutor- all without me totally understanding how it worked, but liking what I was hearing.


here is a blog post I did about it


Classical Conversations- my view



we do it as an add on to our homeschool, meaning we tack on CC review work each day on top of our normal work. I think all the support materials for foundations are fantastic, you need the foundations book- and then the audio cd, the flashcards, the online board have all really helped the whole experience. Now that I see how it all works, I can see doing it at home. The added plus of being in a community are the friendships and accountability with other moms for me- and for the kids, the fun of learning in a group and the fun of competition in learning things quickly and well.

Edited by Hen Jen
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question - - does the foundations book include the actual memory work, or does it just list what is covered? in other words, does it just have a checkie box for "the five senses" or does it also say, "the five senses are blah blah blah?"


what about the memory work resource cds - - are they printable, or strictly for reading on the computer screen?



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Thank you for sharing, ladies! I decided to go ahead and inquire w/CC, via email, for the future.


Hen Jen,


Great blog post! It's very informative and helpful! I believe that I'd want to do it as add on too, but how do your dc handle the additional work?



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In your example, the Foundations book would say something along these lines...



What are the 5 sense?








That's it. The idea in the grammar stage is to get the information in to the brain. It does not include additional information on the 5 senses.


The Memory Resource CD has both computer based delivery of the various topics and printable delivery of the topics. Some of the materials on CD would have additional information such as...the sense of hearing is blah blah blah...

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thank you!


In your example, the Foundations book would say something along these lines...



What are the 5 sense?








That's it. The idea in the grammar stage is to get the information in to the brain. It does not include additional information on the 5 senses.


The Memory Resource CD has both computer based delivery of the various topics and printable delivery of the topics. Some of the materials on CD would have additional information such as...the sense of hearing is blah blah blah...

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