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BLOGGERS: where do you get all those cool...

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Thank you guys! Hopefully it's not complicated, the words "VERY simple" sound so reassuring!


Laurie...sorry, I can't answer that...BUT, I'm right there with you. I have a bunch of pic's and videos that I don't know how to move from my phone to my computer. I even have a memory card in my phone storing them all, but my computer doesn't have a place to stick the card.

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I just thought of another one (because I visited a friend's blog, and subsquently changed mine - again - I change about once a week):


http://www.aquapoppydesigns.blogspot.com/ -- click on "free" - most blogger blogs are 2-column, but check what setup you have (in your settings). These templates are applied the same way that the hotbliggityblog ones (VERY simple :)) are applied...

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Thanks for asking that!


OK, here's a dumb question. How to I get my phone pics onto my blog or FB? I take these pics, hoping to load them directly to Facebook or my blog and I can never do it.

Does your phone sync with your computer? You should be able to move them that way. Can you email from your phone? Usually, you can go into the photos on your phone and hit a "menu" button and insert the photo into an email. Then you can email them to yourself. Then you have the file and can use it however you want.


I do it through the Facebook app on my phone - if I take a picture I can just click "send to FB" and POP! There it is! Then I can pull it onto my desktop, etc. when I sit down at the computer.

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You can add a playlist through playlist.com.


I use CutestBlogontheBlock for my blog.

Whatever you do though, make sure viewers have clearly available button to switch the music off! Nothing drives me crazy faster than sites with music/sound.


Thanks for asking that!


OK, here's a dumb question. How to I get my phone pics onto my blog or FB? I take these pics, hoping to load them directly to Facebook or my blog and I can never do it.

Blogger has a facility for emailing posts to your blog, so if you can email from your phone that would be one way.

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