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Has anyone had the H1N1 VACCINE already???

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Just curious! I have a homeschooling mom friend who told me today that her kids got the vaccine this week. The health dept has given several, they said. Right now, all we have is the mist and I am not doing that one for my kids. We are waiting on the shot and are still on the fence.


Sooo...has your child (or anyone in your family) had the vaccine yet? If so, have you noticed any ill responses or reactions to the vaccine?


Thanks for being willing to share!



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Hey Rebecca,


As far as I know it's still not available here (Central TX). And I don't know an anticipated delivery date. Wonder which states will get it first?


BTW, we're still on the fence too. DH and my kids have had the reg seasonal one, like we always do (I'll get mine this week). I keep hearing so many conflicting reports on people's doctor's recommending H1N1 vax or not.



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We got it here in my little town late last week. I am *shocked* we got it before others! LOL Tiny, hole in the wall town that this is...


We only have the mist right now too. Not sure when the shot is coming. We are still on the fence as well...but as I see more people get and it see that their kids do okay with it, we may just take the leap. The kids already have their seasonal flu shot. I will get the H1N1 with them if we get it.

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I am in cent Tx, and schools have their shipments because it is part of an ongoing research study around here. The local hosptial has been going to schools for several years to vax. Our homeschool co-op is offering it this afternoon, but my kids will not be getting it. I will let you know if any of the kids have reactions.

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I am in cent Tx, and schools have their shipments because it is part of an ongoing research study around here. The local hosptial has been going to schools for several years to vax. Our homeschool co-op is offering it this afternoon, but my kids will not be getting it. I will let you know if any of the kids have reactions.



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This is one of the most recent articles I've seen pertaining to the vaccine schedule/arrival/etc for Canadian provinces:

Federal health officials are considering shipping swine flu vaccine to the provinces earlier than scheduled, CBC News has learned.

The plan is to issue an interim order on Oct. 19 to begin shipping up to five million doses of the H1N1 vaccine.

The goal is to have the vaccine ready for distribution a week later on Oct. 26 — at least two weeks ahead of the previously scheduled rollout.

The news comes as reported cases of H1N1 are increasing across Canada. In Ontario, 200 samples of serious influenza-like cases have been tested each day this week.

Publicly, federal health officials say the vaccine won't be coming earlier than planned. But CBC News has learned several provinces have been hearing about the possibility of early vaccine delivery for weeks and now are planning to have H1N1 vaccine clinics ready to go by Oct. 26.

Head start 'significant'


Pushing up the timetable by even two weeks can make a big difference, said Dr. Michael Gardam, director of infectious diseases prevention and control at the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion.

"We normally think about of waves of flu occurring over anywhere from six to 10 weeks. So if you get an extra two-week head start, that's significant," said Gardam.

"It means you could theoretically prevent a whole bunch of people from getting the flu, if they actually chose to get the flu shot."

Pregnant women and health care workers will be at the front of the line for the first doses of vaccine.

The interim order hinges on quality-control testing of each lot of vaccine as it comes out of GlaxoSmithKline's plant in Quebec City. If there is a problem with quality control, the earlier rollout could be cancelled.

The vaccine won't be released unless Health Canada is satisfied it's safe, said Dr. Scott Halperin, director of the Canadian Centre for Vaccinology in Halifax.

"They would not consider releasing it without having sufficient confidence that it's safe for use for all Canadians," he said.

On Monday, the U.S. started its swine flu program, using a nasal spray version that is not approved for use in Canada.



We may get the seasonal flu vaccination this coming Saturday.. nervous about that even, as the kids and I have never had it before - dh has, once. We either go on Sat or we don't go at all, because they do this at public drop-in clinics and normally it's a strict policy of 'drop in only' - no appointment times - and can be a wait of several hours in a crowded room, line ups out the door, etc. This Saturday, there's a nurse working who said she'd help us get in right away because our special-needs ds10 can't handle that length of a wait in a noisy, crowded environment. It's very kind of her to help, and likely the only time that could happen.

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