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Another National Merit Application question...

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The last item on the application states:

Additional comments on grading system, academic record, or high school profile.


I have: Madelyn's course work was based on the Classical Education model. The grades were determined by test scores, homework, and participation on a pure 4.0 scale.


But, I really don't know what to put. Any suggestions? TIA!!!!

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I covered the 4.0 scale thing at the top of the high school profile with this:


"A = 4.0 = 90 - 100%

B = 3.0 = 80 - 89%

C = 2.0 = 70 - 79%

D = 1.0 = 60 - 69%

F = 0.0 = 0 - 59%"


I also said the lowest passing mark is "C (70%)."


Here's what I put in the additional comments box at the bottom:


"_____ has studied or is currently self-studying for AP exams in the subjects designated as "Honors." These courses are also marked with and asterisk (*) Each AP exam name corresponds to the title of the course."


I put this because my student self-studied for some AP exams and I didn't get my syllabus approved by the College Board, so I can't call them AP.


I put "N/A" in the curriculum information boxes.




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The last item on the application states:

Additional comments on grading system, academic record, or high school profile.


I have: Madelyn's course work was based on the Classical Education model. The grades were determined by test scores, homework, and participation on a pure 4.0 scale.


But, I really don't know what to put. Any suggestions? TIA!!!!


Hi Susann,


I wore my scratch paper thin pencilling and erasing what I wanted to do with that box! :) In the end, what made the most sense to me was to use it to note anything unusual, or significant (to the Nat'nl Merit folks) but not obvious from the rest of the application. So I used it to clarify what our "accelerated" courses were--courses done through EPGY (since I had used the acronym elsewhere, and the box was where I could spell out what it stands for), and courses that used college level resources/pace(since I couldn't label them AP.) I also made a notation on a couple of courses that were done in 3 trimesters, in case the way I marked them on the chart looked odd.


I think if there's nothing you feel really needs further explanation, you could just leave the box blank.


HTH :001_smile:

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I was reading the forums here because I'm procrastinating about getting the NM forms done:).


In that box I put something about striving to require honors level work in the majority of classes, but I think I'm going to delete that and just leave it blank. I really wonder, with 15,000+ applications if they are going to read every word if the big things look OK. So I'm trying not to stress about it:).

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Thank you, thank you, thank you ladies!!!! For some reason I've really procrastinated on this. Probably because it's so important and I'm afraid I'll mess up :001_smile: I'm finishing it off this morning and we're mailing it after I pick dd up from the SAT. I'll be so happy to have it out of the house!

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Hi Susann!

Our party will begin when I pick up my son from the SAT n an hour or so. As I took him to the testing site this morning I asked him what he wanted to do to celebrate this afternoon. He though he would only have brainpower enough for playing a few games on his computer. After all the work he has done to achieve NM Semifinalist status and get ready for the SAT and apply for colleges (still in process...), I think he deserves an afternoon of mindless fun! Maybe we will order pizza and eat ice cream to complete the decadence...

Enjoy your party as we wait until February for the big news!



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"_____ has studied or is currently self-studying for AP exams in the subjects designated as "Honors." These courses are also marked with and asterisk (*) Each AP exam name corresponds to the title of the course."




ACK! I just noticed a typo! I'm going to have to get the "d" whited out in the word "and" before "asterisk."



Also, I have another question. How is it that you all are mailing the applications? I thought the person writing the recommendation was supposed to do that. Did I miss something?





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The man who is writing our recommendation is mailing ours.


I used white out on mine. I called NMC and they said I could white out the titles, like "Mathematics", "Social Studies", etc. so that I could utilize ALL the empty spaces to list all her work. I rewrote the headings in black pen and then filled it in with blue ink so that it would be clear what was what.


It didn't look *too* bad. LOL!


Honestly, the gal at NMC sounded VERY laid back about it. She just said DON'T leave anything blank. If it doesn't apply, or you don't have an answer, write *N/A*.


This thing has stressed me out!!! LOL!

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Guest Political Mom

Okay, so we are all stressed out because our kids don't fit these neat boxes!! That is why I homeschool.

Question - My son has taken AP exams without taking the classes. How do you designate that? Also I am only designating Honors or AP classes those classes that he actually took, via virtual school, that were honors or AP, is that correct?


As you can see I am procrasting like everyone else.

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Okay, so we are all stressed out because our kids don't fit these neat boxes!! That is why I homeschool.

Question - My son has taken AP exams without taking the classes. How do you designate that? Also I am only designating Honors or AP classes those classes that he actually took, via virtual school, that were honors or AP, is that correct?


As you can see I am procrasting like everyone else.


I worded it "Chemistry with AP Exam" or something similar. :)

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