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Hubby wants to pull DD out

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This is my first post and its defiantly not what I thought I would be asking about.


I have 2 DD's ages 4 and 2. DD4 is in Pre-K at a small Montessori school and is way to smart for her own good. DD2 is at home with me, she has SPD, a speech delay, and is fairly average academically. I also have a c-section scheduled 10/21 for our first DS.


We are a little concerned about the affect Pre-K is having on DD4. Before she started she wrote her name Anya (with the y backwards) and now writes her name Aaya (y still backwards), she hasn't really picked up any new reading skills, and she has started asking to "do school" when she gets home from school. What she has pick up from school is a bad attitude and a couple choice words. She likes school and it gives her time to play with other kids but even my husband who was undecided on the topic of homeschooling the kids want to pull her out. Now the question is do we wait until christmas break or do we do it now?

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I was going to wait (last year) until Christmas to pull out ds. Unfortuneatly, the school deleted him from the lunch list and a few other things happened, so that I ended up pulling him out the week I turned in our intent letter. I had wanted to make it as quick and quiet as possible, so I sent in everything giving the school notice, and then ended up taking him out abruptly anyway.


All that to say, whatever works for you, but I do not recommend turning in your paper work early, just wait till you've pulled her out.

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She's preschool age, right? Take her out now.


It is usually recommended that people wait until a major break in the school year before withdrawing their dc from school, because it's less noticeable, but that's when the dc are compulsory school age and there's always a chance of truancy charges. Your dd is not. Take her out now.

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I agree with taking her out now. I should have done this when my oldest was in preschool, but I waited, and it further hurt his behavior, attitude, and spirit. I was more concerned about what others would think if I pulled him because other moms were "so happy" with the school, teacher, etc. I've learned it's all about my child and family, and who cares what others think? Their core world is not my core world, and that is really what matters in the long run. Do what's best for dd and your family.


PS - Sometimes getting dh's support is the hardest, but you already have it! That's great news for you! :)

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Thanks for all you input.


I talked to her teacher today when I picked her up. She said she didn't correct her handwriting because, and I quote, "it would show I was not proud of her for trying." and correcting her would "break her spirit."


I told them we were going to drop to half days for next week (we get the half day free through a state program) and plan to talk to DH when he gets home.

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was taking my boy out of preschool. At the time I wasn't sure. Great school, great teacher. My own concerns were so hard to explain to someone else. But looking back... those little things were the important ones. Attitude, peers, generally being tired all the time when home, missing out on those special impromptu moments because we were so wrapped up in the get ready, drop off, pick up, plan lunches, schedule playdates, sew for the upcoming Christmas pageant kind of stuff. Mostly I just missed him. The world calls that helicopter parenting. For me, it's mothering with my heart and not just my mind. I think it's so awesome your husband is supporting you in this! And that you would be willing to do it with your newest on the way. I agree with the other poster that the baby will be a tremendous, wonderful lesson!

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I talked to her teacher today when I picked her up. She said she didn't correct her handwriting because, and I quote, "it would show I was not proud of her for trying." and correcting her would "break her spirit."


I had the same problem when my daughter was in Kindergarten. She was 5 years old and loved to write and draw all the time but had a terrible pencil grip and didn't form her letters correctly. I taught her the correct pencil grip and showed her how to form her letters correctly but she preferred to do it her way. When I asked the teacher to help me to correct her pencil grip and writing she said she, "didn't want to put them off by correcting them." Then there was a year of Pre-primary and finally in February this year when my daughter started Year 1 aged 6 and a half, her teacher insisted on correct pencil grip and letter formation but bad habits are hard to break. She forms her letters correctly now however when ever she has the chance the pencil grip reverts.


I've persisted with our local public (government) school and will continue to do so. Overall I think school is good for my children socially and academically and it will give me the freedom to go back to work when both my children are at school full-time next year. I'm a teacher, kind of ironic I know, but I teach high school and university not little ones and we all enjoy and thrive on the company of others.


Afterschooling is working for me and I have the advantage of being on holidays on school holidays which is my most productive 'homeschool' time with my children. I've found some really good curriculum resources and this website and another I like are incredibly helpful.


If you want to pull your daughter out, I don't think it matters when at this age but I thought I'd offer another perspective.

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