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For those who have kids in dance ...

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or any extra-curricular activity that you child is really passionate about:


Have you ever had to forgo a season (at least) due to finances? How did your child handle it? How did you handle it? My girls are in dance at a college community dance program - the 10 yo is in her fifth year, ballet, jazz, and tap; the 7 yo in her 2nd year of ballet and tap. The training they are receiving is wonderful. They are really dedicated, never complain on the early Saturday mornings I drag them out of bed for the one-hour car ride. But it has always been a stretch financially, and this session would mean putting it on a credit card and paying it off over the months ahead. I am so torn.

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or any extra-curricular activity that you child is really passionate about:


Have you ever had to forgo a season (at least) due to finances? How did your child handle it? How did you handle it? My girls are in dance at a college community dance program - the 10 yo is in her fifth year, ballet, jazz, and tap; the 7 yo in her 2nd year of ballet and tap. The training they are receiving is wonderful. They are really dedicated, never complain on the early Saturday mornings I drag them out of bed for the one-hour car ride. But it has always been a stretch financially, and this session would mean putting it on a credit card and paying it off over the months ahead. I am so torn.


We are in the same position. I have two girls in dance. One in her 13th year, the other in her 6th.


I was not going to register them this year. And I didn't. The kids were upset, but understood that it just was not financially possible. Fortunately though, the dance owner called me and said that my 16 yo could student teach a few classes, so she could get the ones she was taking for free. And for my youngest, my husband is doing some electrical work as a barter. I will also help the owner clean up after some classes.


Can your kids do something like this? Like help clean? Or can you ask to maybe go in and help clean the studio, in exchage for some lessons??

Is there anything you can offer for a barter? It doesn't sound like you are at a small studio so I am not even sure this is possible.


Can they cut down on classes?


Can you change studios and go somewhere cheaper, maybe a smaller studio so they do not lose out on the training they have had?


I know it is hard when your girls are very passionate about dance. I know mine are, and I feel like I have been a dance mom forever.


I really hope things work out for you.

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I asked my family to help out when dh was unemployed. We could cover necessities with unemployment, but extras had to go unless we had help. The family was more than willing to pitch in for the girls. However, when oldest dd was only doing an activity, "just because" we stopped. An example of this was gymnastics. Youngest wasn't enjoying it anymore but her class was at the same time as oldest's. I took her out anyway. Why pay the money when she isn't passionate.


If your kids are way into it and it's only for a season (6-12 months), see if family will be willing to help out. Make it birthday, Christmas, whatever holiday gifts you exchange, ask if the family would be willing to do this instead of presents.





PS also, my Mom currently pays for piano. When she heard I was going to have to make the girls drop their sports activities (1 each) in favor of keeping piano, she offered to pick up piano so they could do their sports. Grandmas like to feel needed. :)

Edited by coffeefreak
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Have you talked to the dance studio about options they might offer? Payment plan? Scholarship? Work-study?


:iagree: See whether you could answer the phones, update the website, print out flyers... surely they have some jobs that just don't get done. See what you can offer in a barter:001_smile:

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